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Öğrenmeye başla
Citizens On Patrol. What a joke.
You know what C.O.P. really
stands for, Proctor?
Uh, no, sir. What?
Collection Of Pissants.
That's not funny, Proctor.
- No, sir.
This citizen-action
crap is a disaster,
a bad idea, and I'm
going to prove it.
Yes, sir.
Excuse me. Excuse me, everyone.
I mean, not everyone...
Attention! Excuse me.
Move it!
- Everybody, come over here!
- Hooks.
Stop embarrassing the
Police Department
and join your civilian buddies.
May I have your attention, please?
Hooks, the tank!
- I'm so sorry.
- You dimwit!
Today, Hooks, today.
Now, take your little munchkin voice
and go away.
Shoo, shoo, shoo!
Listen up!
This is the proper procedure...
...for administering oxygen.
You place the mask securely
about the face
of the patient...
and then have them
breathe deeply.
Now, that is the way it's done
in Capt. Harris' precinct.
What the hell?
voice - Ses
today - bugün
stands - standları
sorry - afedersiniz
securely - güvenli
procedure - prosedür
proper - Uygun
place - yer
pissants - pissants
patient - Hasta
oxygen - oksijen
citizens - vatandaşlar
proctor - disiplini sağlamak
hooks - kancalar
police - Polis
buddies - arkadaşları
citizen - vatandaş
please - lütfen
civilian - sivil
embarrassing - utandırıcı
precinct - seçim bölgesi
about - hakkında
everybody - Herkes
action - aksiyon
everyone - Herkes
really - gerçekten mi
prove - kanıtlamak
attention - dikkat
patrol - devriye
going - gidiş
listen - dinlemek
little - küçük
collection - toplamak
breathe - nefes almak
deeply - derinden
dimwit - dimwit
disaster - afet
administering - burada tatbik
department - bölüm
excuse - bahane
munchkin - ufaklık
funny - komik
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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