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Öğrenmeye başla
I talked about the dance,
now you ought to remark
on the size of the room
or the number of couples.
I am perfectly happy
to oblige.
Please advise me of what
you would like most to hear.
That reply will do
for present.
Perhaps by and by,
I may observe
that private balls are much
pleasanter than public ones.
For now
we may remain silent.
Do you talk, as a rule,
while dancing?
No, I prefer to be
unsociable and taciturn.
Makes it all so much more
enjoyable, don't you think?
Tell me, do you and your sisters
very often walk to Meryton?
Yes, we often
walk to Meryton.
It's a great opportunity
to meet new people.
In fact, when you met us
we'd just had the pleasure of
forming a new acquaintance.
Mr. Wickham is blessed
with such happy manners
he is sure of
making friends.
Whether he's capable of
retaining them is less certain.
He's been so unfortunate
as to lose your friendship.
And I daresay that is
an irreversible event?
It is. Why do you ask
such a question?
To make out your
character, Mr. Darcy.
- What have you discovered?
- Very little.
I hear such different accounts
of you as puzzle me exceedingly.
I hope to afford you more
clarity in the future.
would - olur
wickham - wickham
whether - olup olmadığını
think - düşünmek
talked - konuştuk
unfortunate - şanssız
sisters - kız kardeşler
silent - Sessiz
remark - düşünce
puzzle - bulmaca
public - halka açık
manners - görgü
often - sık sık
perfectly - kusursuzca
opportunity - fırsat
discovered - keşfedilen
different - farklı
daresay - daresay
advise - öğüt vermek
while - süre
forming - şekillendirme
darcy - دارسي
dance - dans
unsociable - çekingen
dancing - dans
couples - çiftler
exceedingly - fazlasıyla
clarity - berraklık
reply - cevap
blessed - mübarek
afford - parası yetmek
character - karakter
number - numara
great - harika
taciturn - suskun
ought - gerektiğini
acquaintance - tanıdık
please - lütfen
accounts - hesapları
event - olay
about - hakkında
oblige - mecbur etmek
certain - belli
balls - taşaklar
question - soru
observe - gözlemek
friendship - dostluk
retaining - istinat
friends - arkadaşlar
future - gelecek
happy - mutlu
irreversible - dönülemez
remain - kalmak
meryton - Meryton'da
private - Özel
little - küçük
people - insanlar
present - Mevcut
makes - markaları
making - yapma
perhaps - belki
prefer - tercih etmek
capable - yetenekli
pleasanter - pleasanter
enjoyable - zevkli
pleasure - zevk
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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