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miss Elizabeth Bennet,
I am not writing
to renew the sentiments
which were so
disgusting to you,
but to address the two offenses
that you accused me of.
I did not intentionally
wound your sister.
It was a most unfortunate consequence
of protecting my dearest friend.
Mr. Bingley's feelings
for miss Bennet
were beyond any I had
ever witnessed in him,
or indeed even
thought him capable of.
The evening of the dance
at Netherfield,
after overhearing your mother
coldly state her intention
of having all her daughters
marry favorably,
I persuaded Bingley
of the unfitness of the match.
If I have wounded miss Bennet's feelings,
it was unknowingly done.
As to your other accusation,
of having injured Mr. Wickham,
no sooner had my father
made clear his intention
to leave Mr. Wickham
a handsome sum
than Mr. Darcy was mysteriously infected
by the plague.
It was left to me, his son,
to provide a merciful ending.
Still, I gave Wickham the inheritance
my father left.
Wickham squandered it.
Whereupon he demanded
more and more money,
until I eventually refused.
Thereafter he severed
all ties with me.
Last summer he began a relationship
with my 15-year-old sister
and convinced her to elope.
Mr. Wickham's prime target was
her inheritance of 30,000 pounds
but revenging himself on me was a strong
additional inducement.
Fortunately, I was able
to persuade my sister
of Mr. Wickham's ulterior
motives before it was too late.
I hope this helps explain
and perhaps mitigate
my behavior in your eyes.
Of all the weapons
in the world,
I now know love
to be the most dangerous.
For I have suffered
a mortal wound.
When did I fall so deeply
under your spell, miss Bennet?
I cannot fix
the hour or the spot
or the look or the words
which laid the foundation.
I was in the middle
before I knew I had began.
What a proud fool I was.
I have faced the harsh truth,
that I can never hope
to win your love in this life,
I write to you
from the siege of London.
There is now a cunning design
to the zombie attacks.
I sense a dark hand is at work here,
guiding the enemy, miss Bennet.
By taking London, they've increased
their ranks a hundredfold.
Come on, lads!
Now we endeavor to keep them trapped
within the great wall.
zombie - zombi
world - Dünya
witnessed - tanık
within - içinde
wickham - wickham
which - hangi
whereupon - bunun üzerine
weapons - silahlar
until - a kadar
unknowingly - bilmeden
unfortunate - şanssız
wound - yara
unfitness - iş görmezlik
under - altında
ulterior - gizli
truth - hakikat
trapped - hapsolmuş
their - onların
target - Hedef
taking - alma
summer - Yaz
writing - yazı
suffered - acı
strong - Güçlü
still - yine
handsome - yakışıklı
favorably - uygun olarak
father - baba
explain - açıklamak
evening - akşam
middle - orta
offenses - suçlar
ending - bitirme
disgusting - iğrenç
cannot - yapamam
marry - evlenmek
dearest - gözbebeği
provide - sağlamak
capable - yetenekli
having - sahip olan
design - dizayn
match - maç
proud - gururlu
clear - açık
feelings - duygular
accusation - suçlama
coldly - sakinlikle
convinced - ikna olmuş
before - önce
severed - kopmuş
sooner - er
spell - büyü
behavior - davranış
intention - niyet
mysteriously - gizemli bir şekilde
prime - asal
write - yazmak
netherfield - netherfield
thought - düşünce
great - harika
elope - kaçmak
inheritance - miras
deeply - derinden
address - adres
squandered - çarçur
bingley - bingley
guiding - rehberlik
faced - yüzlü
harsh - sert
mortal - Ölümlü
elizabeth - elizabeth
foundation - vakıf
pounds - pound
friend - arkadaş
increased - artmış
darcy - دارسي
mitigate - hafifletmek
accused - sanık
began - başladı
eventually - sonunda
intentionally - kasten
endeavor - gayret
enemy - düşman
renew - yenilemek
hundredfold - yüz kat
consequence - sonuç
motives - motifler
cunning - kurnaz
wounded - yaralı
bennet - Bennet
demanded - talep
dance - dans
helps - yardım eder
dangerous - Tehlikeli
after - sonra
beyond - ötesinde
inducement - teşvik
perhaps - belki
there - Orada
himself - kendisi
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