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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
I'm not on the program.
I can't believe how
many people are here.
I never knew he had
this many friends.
Where have you all been
for the last five years?
I guess to you guys
he was already dead, right?
I mean, what's a great man
without his greatness?
Just some old guy.
So you probably wanna catch up
on what you missed out on.
He used to read all day.
He kept demanding
more and more books.
I was getting them
out of the library by the carload.
There were hundreds.
And then one day I realized
he wasn't reading.
He believed aliens
were sending him messages
through the Dewey decimal numbers
in the library books.
He was trying to work out the code.
He used to shuffle around in his slippers.
He talked to himself.
He stank.
I had to make sure he bathed,
which was embarrassing.
Well, then he started writing
19, 20 hours a day.
I got him this huge case of notebooks.
He used every one.
I dropped out of school.
You see, he was convinced that...
he was writing the most beautiful,
elegant proofs.
Proofs like music.
I'm glad he's dead.
through - vasitasiyla
music - müzik
never - asla
getting - alma
friends - arkadaşlar
believe - inanmak
convinced - ikna olmuş
library - kütüphane
dropped - düştü
bathed - yıkanırlardı
already - zaten
aliens - uzaylılar
hundreds - yüzlerce
books - kitaplar
there - Orada
school - okul
stank - stank
where - nerede
beautiful - güzel
believed - inanılır
elegant - Zarif
years - Yıl
demanding - zahmetli
around - etrafında
talked - konuştuk
every - proszę uważać
dewey - dewey
carload - asgari yük
great - harika
hours - saatler
without - olmadan
which - hangi
numbers - sayılar
catch - yakalamak
writing - yazı
guess - tahmin
himself - kendisi
probably - muhtemelen
greatness - büyüklük
messages - mesajları
missed - cevapsız
right - Sağ
notebooks - defterler
program - program
shuffle - karıştırma
slippers - terlik
trying - çalışıyor
proofs - ispatları
reading - okuma
wanna - istiyorum
realized - gerçekleştirilen
embarrassing - utandırıcı
decimal - ondalık
sending - gönderme
people - insanlar
started - başladı
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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