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Öğrenmeye başla
You thought I was foolin' around,
didn't ya? Tell me the truth.
I ain't doin' no foolin' around.
- That's in your mind.
- Yeah, so what?
That championship belt on me,
that's when I fool around.
- Is it done?
- No, it's not done.
Don't overcook it.
You overcook it, it's no good.
It defeats its own purpose.
What are you doin'?
I just said don't overcook it.
You're overcookin' it,
bring it over.
- You want your steak?
- Bring it over.
Bring it over!
It's like a piece of charcoal!
Bring it over here!
- You want your steak?
- Yeah, right now!
There's your stupid steak.
- Can't wait for it to be done?
- No, I can't wait.
Good. Okay? Happy?
- Happy?
- That's all I want.
That's-- there, no, more. There.
Botherin' me about a steak, huh?
You're botherin' me about a steak?!
I agree with you.
He should be with Tommy.
If he's in a good mood, I'll talk to him.
What the fuck you want me to do?
Tommy tells me
every day to talk to you
and speak to Jake
to straighten this thing out,
I'm gonna wind up in the middle.
You're in the middle?
I'm his brother.
- He's got me fuckin' nuts.
- You're his brother.
If you can't talk to him,
who's gonna talk to him?
- I'll talk to him.
- Do what you can, that's all.
- That's all I'm askin' you.
- And I'll see you tomorrow.
All right? Where you gonna be?
I'll be at the gym
or the other joint, one of the two.
- I'll catch you by the gym.
- All right. Sal?
Complain some more,
I wanna hear.
Complain? You call those carrots?
You call that food?
I got no choice!
I got no choice!
I got no choice!
Get in there!
Fuck! I'm sick of you!
This son of a bitch
is callin' me an animal.
- Hey, you!
- Come on, Jack.
I'm gonna get hold of that dog,
and I'm gonna eat it for lunch!
You hear what I'm sayin'?
You hear me, Larry?
- Larry?
- Crazy animal!
Who's an animal?
Your mother's an animal!
You son of a bitch!
You're gonna find your dog dead
in the hallway tomorrow, ya bum.
I can't take it!
- Sit down, relax.
- I can't take this anymore!
You break anything
in there, I'm gonna kill ya!
I swear to God, I'm gonna
come in there and I'm gonna kill ya.
Yeah, sure.
You wanna calm down?
What'd I do?
Come on, honey, let's be...
let's be friends.
wanna - istiyorum
tomorrow - Yarın
hallway - koridor
bring - getirmek
where - nerede
steak - biftek
friends - arkadaşlar
straighten - düzleştirmek
crazy - çılgın
catch - yakalamak
choice - seçim
championship - şampiyonluk
charcoal - mangal kömürü
swear - yemin etmek
carrots - havuçlar
every - proszę uważać
should - meli
brother - erkek kardeş
speak - konuşmak
tells - anlatır
agree - anlaşmak
other - diğer
about - hakkında
around - etrafında
anything - her şey
bitch - orospu
animal - hayvan
there - Orada
complain - şikayet
happy - mutlu
anymore - Artık
piece - parça
honey - bal
joint - ortak
defeats - yenilgiler
middle - orta
larry - larry
thought - düşünce
overcook - piştiğizaman
purpose - amaç
gonna - olacak
relax - rahatlayın
truth - hakikat
break - kırılma
tommy - mehmetçik
right - Sağ
stupid - aptal
lunch - öğle yemeği
thing - şey
those - bu
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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