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That's the same atrocious
aftershave you wore in court.
I keep getting it for Christmas.
Christmas, yes.
Did you get my card?
I got it, thank you.
So nice of the Bureau's
crime lab to forward that.
They wouldn't give me
your home address.
Dr. Bloom sent me your article
on surgical addiction...
in the Journal of
Forensic Psychiatry.
Very interesting,
even to a layman.
You say you're a layman.
But it was you who caught me.
Wasn't it, Will?
Do you know how you did it?
I got lucky.
I don't think you believe that.
It's in the transcript.
What does it matter now?
It doesn't matter
to me, Will.
I need your advice,
Dr. Lecter.
Birmingham and Atlanta.
You want to know how
he's choosing them, don't you?
I thought you'd have
some ideas.
I'm asking you to tell
me what they are.
Why should I?
There are things
you don't have.
Research materials.
Maybe even
computer access.
I'd speak to the
Chief of Staff.
Yes, Dr. Chilton.
Gruesome, isn't he?
He fumbles at your head...
like a freshman pulling
at a panty girdle.
If you recall, Will...
our last collaboration
ended rather messily.
You'd get to see the file
on this case.
And there's
another reason.
I'm all ears.
I thought you might enjoy
the challenge.
Find out if you're smarter
than the person I'm looking for.
Then, by implication,
you think you're
smarter than I am...
since it was you who caught me.
No, I know I'm not
smarter than you.
Then how did you catch me?
You had disadvantages.
What disadvantages?
You're insane.
You're very tanned, Will.
And your hands are so rough.
Not like a cop's
hands anymore.
That shaving lotion is
something a child would select.
Has a little ship on the bottle,
does it not?
And how is young Josh
and the lovely Molly?
They're always in my thoughts,
you know.
You will not persuade me...
with appeals
to my intellectual vanity.
I don't think
I'll persuade you at all.
You'll either do it or you won't.
- Is that the case file?
- Yes.
With photos?
Let me keep them,
and I might consider it.
Do you dream much, Will?
Goodbye, Dr. Lecter.
You haven't threatened
to take away my books yet!
Give me the file, then!
And I'll tell you what I think.
I'll need one hour. And privacy.
Just like old times,
hey, Will?
young - genç
would - olur
smarter - daha akıllı
girdle - korse
freshman - birinci sınıf öğrencisi
times - zamanlar
forensic - adli
ended - bitti
chilton - Chilton
goodbye - güle güle
crime - suç
challenge - meydan okuma
court - Mahkeme
consider - düşünmek
collaboration - işbirliği
advice - tavsiye
select - seçmek
materials - malzemeler
article - makale
enjoy - keyfini çıkarın
atlanta - atlanta
atrocious - gaddarca
aftershave - tıraş kremi
asking - sormak
shaving - tıraş olmak
another - bir diğeri
always - Her zaman
bottle - şişe
forward - ileri
things - eşyalar
choosing - seçme
dream - rüya
addiction - bağımlılık
christmas - noel
privacy - gizlilik
hands - eller
rough - kaba
getting - alma
something - bir şey
disadvantages - dezavantajları
insane - deli
molly - muhallebi çocuğu
recall - hatırlama
computer - bilgisayar
access - erişim
believe - inanmak
birmingham - birmingham
bloom - çiçek açmak
tanned - bronzlaşmış
appeals - itirazlar
books - kitaplar
surgical - cerrahi
intellectual - entellektüel
interesting - ilginç
lovely - güzel
journal - dergi
fumbles - beceriksiz
layman - meslekten olmayan
lucky - şanslı
chief - şef
lecter - ليكتر
catch - yakalamak
little - küçük
looking - seyir
lotion - losyon
person - kişi
ideas - fikirler
matter - madde
caught - yakalandı
maybe - olabilir
thought - düşünce
either - ya
implication - içerme
might - belki
gruesome - korkunç
child - çocuk
messily - messily
panty - külot
persuade - ikna etmek
photos - fotoğraflar
psychiatry - psikiyatri
reason - neden
pulling - çeken
rather - daha doğrusu
thoughts - düşünceler
research - Araştırma
should - meli
address - adres
since - dan beri
staff - personel
speak - konuşmak
thank - teşekkür
there - Orada
think - düşünmek
threatened - tehdit
transcript - transcript
anymore - Artık
vanity - kibir
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