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Öğrenmeye başla
The person who paid you to follow me?
Who was it?
He calls himself Bob
and he gives me the money up front.
Two hundred bucks a night.
If I knew I was gonna end up here,
I would've asked for hell of a lot more.
Does that mean
you saw what happened to me?
What I saw was you get into your car.
That's it.
I didn't ask your name.
I didn't know who you were.
I don't know how I got here,
I don't know how you got here.
I just took the shots
and went straight home to develop them.
Next thing I know, I'm chained to a pipe...
in some pre-historic bathroom...
staring at the guy
I've been taking shots of all night.
Clearly, whoever paid you to take pictures
of me is the one who put us here.
- Maybe.
- What do you mean maybe? Of course it is.
What did he look like?
He was just a guy.
Was he tall? Was he
skinny, obese, what?
I don't take notes about his appearance.
- You must remember something of him.
- I can't.
You're telling me you don't
remember a thing about the guy?
Oh, for fuck's sake! I give up!
He's a tall, black guy.
He's got a scar around his neck, okay?
Detective Tapp.
The guy who paid me
to take these photos was not a cop.
He was discharged
from the police force.
He broke down after his
partner was killed.
But that didn't stop
him from harassing me.
The guy became obsessed.
He convinced himself that I must
have somehow been involved with the murders
And you helped him.
You took money from him
to invade my privacy.
- How could you do that?
- Call it my need to eat.
You know what, Adam?
You're not a victim of this game...
- you're a part of it.
- Oh, really?
Obviously this cop thinks
you're the one behind it all.
I told you, he's not a cop.
He's a bottom feeder.
Just like you.
What are you more
pissed off about?
The fact that I took some shots of you...
or the fact that I took some shots of
you while you were cheating on your wife?
- I did not cheat on her!
- Why do you care what I think anyway?
I don't give a crap if you covered yourself
in peanut butter...
and had a fifteen hooker gang-bang.
while - süre
think - düşünmek
thing - şey
victim - kurban
these - bunlar
telling - söylüyorum
staring - bakmak
skinny - sıska
shots - çekim
remember - hatırlamak
privacy - gizlilik
taking - alma
police - Polis
somehow - bir şekilde
pictures - resimler
photos - fotoğraflar
obviously - belli ki
night - gece
covered - kapalı
pissed - sarhoş
partner - ortak
could - could
really - gerçekten mi
convinced - ikna olmuş
obsessed - kafayı takmış
maybe - olabilir
clearly - açıkça
course - kurs
bottom - alt
follow - takip et
chained - zincirleme
something - bir şey
bucks - dolar
broke - kırdı
after - sonra
about - hakkında
black - siyah
notes - notlar
gonna - olacak
asked - diye sordu
butter - tereyağı
bathroom - banyo
thinks - düşünüyor
front - Ön
became - oldu
yourself - kendin
force - kuvvet
cheat - hile
helped - yardım etti
straight - düz
behind - arkasında
whoever - her kim
develop - geliştirmek
murders - Cinayetler
appearance - görünüm
around - etrafında
discharged - deşarj
person - kişi
feeder - besleyici
fifteen - onbeş
involved - ilgili
gives - verir
obese - aşırı şişman
happened - olmuş
calls - aramalar
killed - öldürdü
harassing - taciz
peanut - fıstık
invade - saldırmak
himself - kendisi
hooker - fahişe
anyway - neyse
historic - tarihi
detective - dedektif
cheating - hile
hundred - yüz
money - para
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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