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Öğrenmeye başla
Whoever made this tape had access
to some very impressive
audio-filtration equipment.
Right now, you're feeling helpless.
Fortunately, we have some tricks
of our own here.
We can turn his
algorithm upside down and...
let us hear what
he really sounds like.
Let's hear what you got.
Right now, you're feeling helpless.
You okay?
You seem a little preoccupied.
I'm just anxious about the tape.
You know, there are
still a couple of things I can't...
quite wrap my head around.
Like, I don't understand
Strahm's motivation.
He was my partner for five years.
I mean,
we all knew he was a bit of a hothead.
But I never saw any indication
of psychotic behavior.
You never can really tell
what someone's thinking on the inside.
- Hear that?
- Right now, you're feeling helpless.
We're getting there.
Come on,
I thought you had something to show us.
Yeah, it's just I never really thought of him
as being vengeful.
You know? I mean,
all the facts are there.
- But something doesn't sit right.
- Listen. It's getting closer.
You know, there is an alternative.
Let's say that Strahm killed Seth Baxter
specifically to set you up as an accomplice
to Jigsaw.
Well, there's a problem with that, though.
On further analysis of Strahm's fingerprints,
it was found that the uric acid levels
in the eccrine gland residue
were inconsistent for an individual
with an active epidermal metabolism.
In other words?
In other words, when he left his fingerprints
on the latest victim,
Strahm was already dead.
Right now, you're feeling helpless.
Who else knows about me?
Who else fucking knows about me?
- Everyone.
- You lie. You're fucking lying.
words - kelimeler
whoever - her kim
vengeful - intikamcı
upside - üst taraf
tricks - püf nokta
though - gerçi
things - eşyalar
thought - düşünce
strahm - Strahm
specifically - özellikle
quite - oldukça
there - Orada
psychotic - psikozlu
problem - Sorun
preoccupied - dalgın
partner - ortak
never - asla
motivation - motivasyon
facts - gerçekler
found - bulunan
fingerprints - parmak izleri
being - olmak
closer - yakın
fucking - kahrolası
behavior - davranış
eccrine - ekrin
further - ayrıca
baxter - Baxter
still - yine
fortunately - neyse ki
right - Sağ
feeling - duygu
jigsaw - yapboz
audio - ses
equipment - ekipman
helpless - çaresiz
couple - çift
thinking - düşünme
alternative - alternatif
epidermal - epidermal
active - aktif
years - Yıl
around - etrafında
individual - bireysel
access - erişim
latest - son
listen - dinlemek
other - diğer
about - hakkında
lying - yalan söyleme
already - zaten
residue - tortu
really - gerçekten mi
everyone - Herkes
accomplice - suç ortağı
anxious - endişeli
filtration - süzme
getting - alma
something - bir şey
inside - içeride
understand - anlama
gland - bez
algorithm - algoritma
hothead - asabi kimse
metabolism - metabolizma
victim - kurban
impressive - etkileyici
inconsistent - tutarsız
indication - belirti
killed - öldürdü
knows - bilir
levels - seviyeleri
sounds - sesleri
analysis - analiz
little - küçük
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