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Öğrenmeye başla
Don't worry, dear.
Suicide is not in
his repertoire.
He's far too fond of himself for that.
- Holmes!
- Oh. Good afternoon.
I was trying to deduce the manner
in which Blackwood survived his execution.
Clearing your good name as it were.
But it had a surprisingly
soporific effect and...
I was carried off in the arms
of Morpheus
like a caterpillar in a cocoon.
Good afternoon, dear.
Get on with it, Holmes.
Cleverly concealed in the hangman's knot
was a hook.
Oh dear, I think my legs have fallen
asleep I should probably come down.
John, shouldn't we help him down?
No, no, no,
I hate to cut him off midstream.
Carry on.
Well the executioner attached it to a harness.
Thus allowing the weight to be
distributed around the waist
and the neck to remain intact.
Oh my lord, I can't feel my cheeks.
Might we continue this at ground level?
How did you manage it, Holmes?
I managed it with braces, belts and a coat hook.
Please, Watson, my tongue is going,
I'll be of no use to you at all.
- Worse things could happen.
- John.
None of this, explains Blackwood's lack of pulse
Now the medical mystery.
We must restore your reputation, Watson.
There is a toxin refined from the
nectar of rhododendron ponticum.
It's quite infamous in the region
of Turkey, bordering the Black Sea
for it's ability to induce an
apparently mortal paralysis.
Enough to mislead a medical mind
It's known locally as...
What's wrong with Gladston?
Mad honey disease.
Well, he's demonstrating
the very effect I've just described.
He doesn't mind.
Mary don't worry. he's seen far worse.
worry - endişelenmek
weight - ağırlık
waist - bel
trying - çalışıyor
toxin - toksin
tongue - dil
soporific - uyutucu
repertoire - repertuar
remain - kalmak
quite - oldukça
pulse - nabız
ponticum - ponticum
please - lütfen
paralysis - felç
nectar - nektar
mystery - gizem
morpheus - morpheus
midstream - nehrin ortası
medical - Tıbbi
rhododendron - orman gülü
manner - tavır
survived - hayatta
managed - Yönetilen
manage - yönetmek
there - Orada
locally - lokal olarak
continue - devam et
allowing - izin
reputation - itibar
clearing - takas
deduce - sonuç çıkarmak
suicide - intihar
might - belki
carry - taşımak
holmes - Holmes
concealed - gizli
region - bölge
bordering - çevreleyen
should - meli
ground - Zemin
honey - bal
probably - muhtemelen
carried - taşınan
cheeks - yanaklar
apparently - görünüşe göre
mortal - Ölümlü
mislead - yanlış yönlendirmek
cocoon - koza
could - could
asleep - uykuda
braces - pantolon askısı
caterpillar - tırtıl
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
afternoon - öğleden sonra
ability - kabiliyet
things - eşyalar
described - tarif edilen
level - seviye
explains - açıklıyor
himself - kendisi
worse - daha da kötüsü
around - etrafında
blackwood - siyah ahşap
black - siyah
going - gidiş
demonstrating - tasviridir
disease - hastalık
distributed - dağıtılmış
watson - watson
surprisingly - şaşırtıcı biçimde
enough - yeterli
refined - rafine
executioner - bourreau
wrong - Yanlış
cleverly - akıllıca
fallen - düşmüş
gladston - gladston
happen - olmak
execution - icra
harness - koşum
turkey - Türkiye
effect - efekt
induce - uyarmak
restore - geri
attached - ekli
belts - kemerleri
intact - bozulmamış
infamous - rezil
known - bilinen
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