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Öğrenmeye başla
Bwana Benjamin. Wake-up call.
Up and at them, Benjamin.
Time for recharging.
Good morning.
Oh, don't you have an alternative
power supply, huh?
Lithium-argon liquid battery,
good for 500 hours.
Improvement on your design.
Cut the bugs out.
Yes, and l am proud of you.
You removed your laser weapon, huh?
Weapon is to kill,
disassemble, make dead.
You have made many modifications
upon your person, huh?
You have come a long way from
the Defense Department prototype.
You betcha.
It's the all-new Johnny Five.
Just look at these items.
Increased memory,
500 megabytes online.
I come with a utility pack,
dozen gadgets for outdoor living,
Lots of greenpeace stickers,
and even my own Nike swoosh.
And if you act now,
I'll throw in absolutely free
my all-new multi-frequency
remote control.
You're a crazy man, huh?
Guys, I'm trying to sleep up here.
I can't help it. I'm in a panic.
I'm frantic and I'm... manic.
Hey, Fred, it is time to wake up, huh?
The early bird gets worms.
What is the time being?
Oh, 8:37 a.m. and 1 7 seconds.
- Oh, my God. -
Eighteen. Nineteen. - I'm suppose to
go to Simpsons to sign the papers.
Benjamin, l'll go with you.
I'd love more input.
No, Johnny Five, you...
You must wait here, huh?
It's... You stay here and...
There is nothing outside for you.
It is very boring out there.
Everything you need is right here, huh?
I'll be back soon.
It is very boring out there.
No input, huh.
Boring, boring, boring.
Hard to believe.
worms - kurt
weapon - silah
unacceptable - kabul edilemez
trying - çalışıyor
throw - atmak
there - Orada
these - bunlar
swoosh - swoosh
suppose - varsaymak
simpsons - simpsons
recharging - şarj
proud - gururlu
prototype - prototip
power - Güç
person - kişi
everything - her şey
supply - arz
liquid - sıvı
manic - manyak
design - dizayn
increased - artmış
stickers - çıkartmalar
input - giriş
defense - Savunma
memory - Bellek
frantic - çılgınca
battery - Pil
betcha - Betcha
believe - inanmak
laser - lazer
papers - kâğıtlar
multi - çok
alternative - alternatif
eighteen - onsekiz
bwana - Bwana
crazy - çılgın
boring - sıkıcı
outdoor - dış mekan
department - bölüm
argon - argon
early - Erken
outside - dışında
frequency - sıklık
dozen - düzine
right - Sağ
benjamin - evin en küçüğü
hours - saatler
control - kontrol
sleep - uyku
dubious - şüpheli
gadgets - gadget'lar
removed - çıkarıldı
greenpeace - yeşil Barış
improvement - gelişme iyilesme duzelme ilerleme
items - ürün
johnny - johnny
utility - yarar
remote - uzak
modifications - modifikasyonlar
lithium - lityum
living - yaşam
absolutely - kesinlikle
morning - sabah
seconds - saniye
nineteen - on dokuz
disassemble - sökmek
panic - panik
being - olmak
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
online - internet üzerinden
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