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Öğrenmeye başla
They're experimenting on people here.
I don't know, boss.
- How do you believe a crazy guy?
- That's the beauty of it, isn't it?
Crazy people, they're the perfect
subjects. They talk, nobody listens.
I stood at Dachau.
We saw what human beings are capable
of doing to each other, right?
For Christ's sakes, we... we fought
a goddamn war to stop them,
and now... Now I find out it may be
happening here? On our soil?
So what are you really here to do, Ted?
I'm gonna get the proof,
I'm gonna go back,
and I'm gonna blow the lid off this place.
That's it.
Wait a minute.
You started asking around
about Ashecliffe,
waiting for a chance to get out here,
and then suddenly
they need a U.S. Marshal?
I got lucky. There was a patient
escape. It was the perfect excuse.
No, no, boss.
Luck doesn't work that way.
The world doesn't work that way.
They got an electrified fence
around a septic facility.
Ward C is inside a Civil War fort?
A Chief of Staff with ties to the OSS?
Funding from HUAC?
I mean, Jesus Christ, everything about
this place stinks of government ops.
- What if they wanted you here?
- Bullshit.
- You were asking questions.
- Bullshit!
We came here
for Rachel Solando.
Where was one shred of evidence
she even existed?
There's no way they could've known
I'd be assigned to this case.
There's no way.
While you were looking into
them, they were looking into you?
All they'd to do was fake an escape
to get you here, and now they have you.
Now they have us both. Here! Now!
Marshals, are you out here?
This is Deputy Warden McPherson.
How about that? They found us, huh?
It's an island, boss.
They're always gonna find us.
I know you're in there.
We're getting off this goddamn island.
You and me. Come on.
- Come on!
- Go!
world - Dünya
where - nerede
warden - bekçi
waiting - bekleme
there - Orada
suddenly - aniden
stinks - kokuyor
solando - solando
septic - septik
sakes - aşkına
right - Sağ
place - yer
perfect - Mükemmel
started - başladı
people - insanlar
nobody - kimse
minute - dakika
mcpherson - 麦克弗森
subjects - konular
everything - her şey
evidence - kanıt
escape - kaçış
believe - inanmak
ashecliffe - ashecliffe
excuse - bahane
electrified - elektriklenmiş
really - gerçekten mi
proof - kanıt
civil - sivil
christ - i̇sa
chief - şef
capable - yetenekli
other - diğer
about - hakkında
rachel - rachel
questions - sorular
beauty - güzellik
deputy - milletvekili
asking - sormak
fence - çit
island - ada
always - Her zaman
fought - kavga etti
doing - iş
patient - Hasta
jesus - isa
assigned - atanmış
bullshit - saçmalık
staff - personel
existed - var
experimenting - deneme
gonna - olacak
around - etrafında
facility - tesis
stood - durdu
listens - dinler
wanted - aranan
funding - finansman
getting - alma
inside - içeride
goddamn - lanet olası
dachau - dachau
government - hükümet
chance - şans
beings - varlıklar
happening - olay
human - insan
while - süre
known - bilinen
found - bulunan
looking - seyir
shred - paçavra
lucky - şanslı
marshals - dedektifler
crazy - çılgın
marshal - mareşal
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