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Öğrenmeye başla
It's bit of a tomboy, isn't she?
What is suggested?
It's her first one.
The first? She needs more than
a training bra, I can tell you that.
It happened, I tell you, overnight.
She got stacked just like her mother.
She wants with the underwire?
Just a normal one
that doesn't point.
I'll need to measure her.
We need to find out her cup size.
Right, OK.
I'll take a walk.
You'll need to lift up your arms.
That a girl.
Usually girls come in here
much younger for their first bra
when they're
developed like you are.
- I've been hiding them.
- Well, can't go on hiding them forever.
You can't stop nature.
- My brother stares.
- Is that your grandfather?
- Father.
- Ah.
There you go.
Now how does that feel?
- It's pointy.
- Okay. You've gotta put yourself in it.
Bend over, lift the breast, and
then drop it back into the cup.
Like this? That's right.
Now do the other one.
And stand up straight. Nice.
Doesn't that feel secure?
You're a perfect "C."
Look at me.
I'm, like, deformed.
What are you talking?
You're healthy.
Some girls have one breast
one size and one another.
Have to get them custom made.
Specialty stores. That's expensive.
You've been blessed. Breasts
are wonderful. You'll see.
yourself - kendin
younger - daha genç
nature - doğa
measure - ölçmek
usually - genellikle
grandfather - büyük baba
pointy - sivri
stand - durmak
gotta - lazım
healthy - Sağlıklı
mother - anne
happened - olmuş
developed - gelişmiş
girls - kızlar
hiding - gizleme
breast - meme
first - ilk
forever - sonsuza dek
brother - erkek kardeş
another - bir diğeri
overnight - bir gecede
needs - ihtiyaçlar
custom - görenek
deformed - deforme olmuş
breasts - memeler
father - baba
blessed - mübarek
expensive - pahalı
there - Orada
perfect - Mükemmel
point - puan
their - onların
wants - istiyor
tomboy - erkek fatma
secure - güvenli
normal - normal
specialty - uzmanlık
stores - depolar
stacked - yığılmış
stares - bakışlar
straight - düz
other - diğer
talking - konuşma
wonderful - olağanüstü
suggested - önerdi
training - eğitim
right - Sağ
underwire - balenli
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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