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Öğrenmeye başla
The mutagen,
that was injected into our blood,
began to change us
in miraculous ways.
I saw how your father loved you.
And I knew I had to show
that same love to the turtles.
I became their father
and they became my sons.
Like all children, they were drawn to the
distractions of this popular culture.
And I knew one day they would
want to explore the world above.
They would be ridiculed.
They would need to learn to protect
themselves, both mentally and physically.
Hey. Does anyone
want to play Buck-Buck?
- Buck one!
- Buck two!
- Buck three!
- Where you going, Raph?
Come on. I can't do it by myself.
- I need all four!
- You're a Buck short.
Yeah, that sounds stupid.
Like you, Mikey!
That's why you're just
the hype man, bra.
- See these moves?
- Yeah, whatever, man.
And then I found a way.
First, I would teach myself
the ancient art of Ninjutsu.
The brothers followed my lead,
accelerating at a wondrous rate!
Wassup, bra? Want some of this?
I'm like a ghost!
I'm over here, now I'm
over here, bra. Like a shadow!
I'm a flame shadow fire dragon!
Their gift was also their passion.
They lived, breathed and
dreamed all things martial arts.
world - Dünya
wassup - naber
things - eşyalar
these - bunlar
themselves - kendilerini
found - bulunan
drawn - çekilmiş
myself - kendim
distractions - dikkat dağıtıcı
blood - kan
explore - keşfetmek
dragon - ejderha
children - çocuklar
ancient - eski
accelerating - hızlanan
first - ilk
popular - popüler
began - başladı
whatever - her neyse
three - üç
their - onların
anyone - kimse
culture - kültür
followed - takip etti
brothers - kardeşler
above - yukarıdaki
father - baba
breathed - nefes
turtles - kaplumbağalar
dreamed - hayal
flame - alev
became - oldu
ghost - hayalet
going - gidiş
sounds - sesleri
learn - öğrenmek
where - nerede
miraculous - mucizevi
lived - yaşamış
passion - tutku
loved - sevilen
change - değişiklik
martial - askeri
wondrous - fevkalade
injected - enjekte
moves - hamle
physically - fiziksel olarak
would - olur
mentally - zihinsel olarak
mikey - mikey
ridiculed - alay
shadow - gölge
mutagen - mutajendir
ninjutsu - ninjutsu
protect - korumak
short - kısa
stupid - aptal
teach - öğretmek
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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