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Öğrenmeye başla
Could you be
any more obnoxious?
- Lady, you have no idea.
- Lady?
- Stop calling me "lady".
- Then tell me your name.
- It is Gabby.
Hello, Gabby.
Welcome to the neighborhood.
What are you so angry about?
I am angry
about Molly's nipples.
Your stinky-ass dog took advantage
of my sweet little girl.
Now her nipples are swollen
and she's gained 15 pounds.
She will not get out of bed,
and you play your music too loud!
So, how do you even know
she's pregnant?
Because I'm a medical student
and I'm also a woman.
- The second I knew, the first one is...
- Oh, you did?
- new...
- Oh,
- information
You're so smart.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Well, I like
your confidence.
And there happens to be
a fantastic clinic right here in town.
It's kind of
a father-son thing.
- Okay.
- And I want you to know,
Moby is not going to
be a deadbeat dad.
He's...Gabby, this is not going to be one
of them "Dirty Dancing" type situations.
- Okay.
- He's going to stand up straight like a man.
woman - kadın
there - Orada
sweet - tatlı
stinky - kokmuş
smart - akıllı
situations - durumlar
stand - durmak
right - Sağ
swollen - şişmiş
pounds - pound
straight - düz
obnoxious - iğrenç
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
music - müzik
dancing - dans
confidence - güven
clinic - klinik
fantastic - fantastik
about - hakkında
student - öğrenci
first - ilk
angry - kızgın
deadbeat - avantacı
because - Çünkü
second - ikinci
information - bilgi
calling - çağrı
dirty - kirli
pregnant - Hamile
father - baba
gabby - geveze
gained - kazanmış
going - gidiş
thing - şey
happens - olur
nipples - memeler
medical - Tıbbi
hello - merhaba
neighborhood - komşuluk
could - could
advantage - avantaj
little - küçük
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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