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Öğrenmeye başla
Come on.
Mrs. Zimmerman?
Uh, I'm sorry, dear?
What are you doing?
I'm just trying...
Isaac and Uncle Jonathan
used to perform together?
They did everything together.
They were best friends.
They were?
Isaac was an orphan,
and Jonathan a runaway.
Neither of them had family.
All they had was magic.
And each other.
Then Isaac went away to war.
He was fighting in Germany,
when he went M.I.A.
Months passed. Then, suddenly,
Isaac came back home.
But it wasn't the same Isaac.
He was different.
And angry.
And more powerful than any
warlock had the right to be.
What happened to him?
We don't know.
All he said was he was lost
in the Black Forest.
Now, that is a very old place
with very old magic.
It's where the Brothers Grimm
wrote their histories.
You mean their fairy tales.
Now, we think that Isaac met a
dark warlock in those woods,
a teacher who gave him some
terrifying, forbidden books.
One of which is so dangerous that your
uncle keeps it locked up in his cabinet.
Then Isaac abandoned
poor Jonathan.
No explanation.
And he found himself
a witch, Selena.
So spiteful and mean,
he married her.
And they locked themselves away
in the house.
Until one night last year...
Isaac performed a blood magic
ritual that killed him.
What was the ritual for?
To make a key.
A clock key.
Of human bone.
We think his wife's bones.
We think Isaac killed Selena
to make it.
Uncle Jonathan said that you were a
really good witch -- even better than him.
I was.
My magic was the toast
of Paris.
You should have seen me
before the war.
I melted Salvador Dalí's watch
one time, right off his wrist.
Then why can't you help us?
You know how magic comes
from the inside?
I got hurt one time.
Pretty badly.
And even though my outsides got
better, my insides never did.
And so now, every time I try
to work any real magic,
it just comes out...
There's very few problems
in the world
that can't at least be helped by
a good chocolate chip cookie.
world - Dünya
witch - cadı
warlock - falcı
uncle - amca dayı
trying - çalışıyor
though - gerçi
teacher - öğretmen
tales - hikayeleri
suddenly - aniden
sorry - afedersiniz
selena -
salvador - Salvador
right - Sağ
really - gerçekten mi
problems - sorunlar
powerful - Güçlü
performed - gerçekleştirilen
those - bu
their - onların
perform - yapmak
zimmerman - zimmerman
terrifying - dehşet verici
passed - geçti
paris - Paris
orphan - yetim
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
ritual - ayin
night - gece
until - a kadar
together - Birlikte
neither - ne
spiteful - kindar
months - ay
where - nerede
melted - eritilmiş
married - evli
locked - kilitli
happened - olmuş
should - meli
killed - öldürdü
dangerous - Tehlikeli
books - kitaplar
cabinet - kabine
toast - kızarmış ekmek
angry - kızgın
wrist - bilek
forbidden - yasak
chocolate - çikolata
before - önce
every - proszę uważać
everything - her şey
cookie - kurabiye
never - asla
broken - kırık
magic - Sihirli
runaway - kaçmak
different - farklı
badly - kötü
better - Daha iyi
keeps - tutar
doing - iş
forest - orman
abandoned - terkedilmiş
other - diğer
black - siyah
place - yer
blood - kan
family - Aile
bones - kemikler
brothers - kardeşler
germany - Almanya
fighting - kavga
house - ev
found - bulunan
wrote - yazdı
friends - arkadaşlar
grimm - grimm
comes - geliyor
helped - yardım etti
clock - saat
himself - kendisi
pretty - güzel
fairy - peri
jonathan - jonathan
themselves - kendilerini
histories - geçmişleri
human - insan
woods - orman
watch - izlemek
inside - içeride
insides - içi
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
explanation - açıklama
isaac - isaac
least - en az
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