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Öğrenmeye başla
Hello. I'm the hotel manager
and this gentleman is my partner.
We'd like to welcome you.
You're one of the lucky ones.
You have one of our superior rooms,
which means you have a view.
- Did you read the leaflet?
- Yes, I did.
Very good. Now the fact
that you'll turn into an animal
if you fail to fall in love with someone
during your stay here
is not something that should upset you,
or get you down.
Just think as an animal you'll have
a second chance to find a companion.
But even then, you must be careful.
You need to choose a companion
that is a similar type of animal to you.
A wolf and a penguin
could never live together,
nor could a camel and a hippopotamus.
That would be absurd.
Think about it.
I understand this discussion
is a little unpleasant for you.
But it is my duty to prepare you
for all possible outcomes.
Now, have you thought of what animal
you'd like to be if you end up alone?
- Yes, a lobster.
- Why a lobster?
Because lobsters live
for over 100 years,
are blue-blooded like aristocrats
and stay fertile all their lives.
I also like the sea very much.
I water-ski and swim quite well,
since I was a teenager.
I must congratulate you. The first thing
most people think of is a dog,
which is why the world is full of dogs.
Very few people choose an unusual
animal, which is why they are endangered.
A lobster is an excellent choice.
years - Yıl
would - olur
world - Dünya
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
unpleasant - hoş olmayan
understand - anlama
together - Birlikte
thing - şey
teenager - genç
superior - üstün
someone - Birisi
gentleman - beyefendi
second - ikinci
fertile - bereketli
during - sırasında
unusual - olağandışı
possible - mümkün
discussion - tartışma
lives - hayatları
congratulate - tebrik etmek
endangered - nesli tükenmekte
companion - yoldaş
choose - seçmek
lobster - istakoz
about - hakkında
choice - seçim
animal - hayvan
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
careful - dikkatli
first - ilk
little - küçük
people - insanlar
alone - yalnız
similar - Benzer
their - onların
blooded - kanlı
aristocrats - aristokratlar
water - su
excellent - Mükemmel
hotel - otel
thought - düşünce
leaflet - broşür
camel - deve
upset - üzgün
hello - merhaba
because - Çünkü
prepare - hazırlamak
hippopotamus - suaygırı
rooms - odalar
lobsters - ıstakoz
absurd - saçma
should - meli
lucky - şanslı
means - anlamına geliyor
something - bir şey
psychologically - psikolojik
manager - müdür
never - asla
outcomes - çıktıları
since - dan beri
could - could
partner - ortak
penguin - penguen
chance - şans
quite - oldukça
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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