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Öğrenmeye başla
So I guess it's safe to say
you're a church-going man.
Oh, yeah. Ten years, every Sunday.
How's that fit with disproving miracles?
You know, it's easy to lose faith.
Look at Katherine. If an ordained minister
can turn her back on God...
...then what hope is there
for the rest of us, right?
Plus, you know, I think people
need to believe in miracles.
Find any real ones yet?
Yeah. Yeah.
Two semi-automatics, at 10 feet.
Punctured my liver, my kidneys, both arms.
Shattered my hip.
18th Street, when I was young,
doing dumb stuff.
Hell, I was still hooked to the IV
when they rolled me into court.
Yeah, I knew I was supposed to die.
I guess Katherine doesn't have
the same tattoos.
No, I keep telling her to get
a question mark right here, but no.
- Weren't you getting me a beer?
- Guess you didn't pray hard enough.
Well, the first wave's done.
I hope everybody's hungry.
Amen to that cause I'm starving.
Yeah, sure. I'll ask.
We'll be right over.
That was Cade.
Jim Wakeman says his cattle
are acting strange.
- Well, did he call the vet?
- Can't until tomorrow.
Is their place close to the river?
About half a mile.
- Might be worth a look.
- Yeah. I'll go get the stuff.
young - genç
years - Yıl
wakeman - Wakeman
until - a kadar
think - düşünmek
river - Nehir
kidneys - böbrekler
court - Mahkeme
disproving - çürütmek
every - proszę uważać
ordained - rütbesi
supposed - sözde
enough - yeterli
katherine - Katherine
automatics - otomatiği
first - ilk
punctured - patlak
about - hakkında
going - gidiş
miracles - mucizeler
cause - sebeb olmak
hooked - bağlanmış
acting - oyunculuk
might - belki
still - yine
tomorrow - Yarın
getting - alma
close - kapat
cattle - sığırlar
faith - inanç
church - kilise
worth - değer
doing - iş
street - sokak
liver - karaciğer
place - yer
believe - inanmak
sunday - Pazar
minister - bakan
right - Sağ
rolled - haddelenmiş
people - insanlar
starving - çok aç
hungry - aç
guess - tahmin
stuff - şey
strange - garip
telling - söylüyorum
shattered - paramparça
tattoos - dövmeler
their - onların
question - soru
there - Orada
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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