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Öğrenmeye başla
Well, well. Here we are.
I wanna congratulate youfor being on time.
Excuse me, sir?
I think there's been a mistake.
I know it's detention,
but I don't think I belong in here.
It is now 7:06.
You have exactly eight hours and 54 minutes
to think about why you're here.
Ponder the error of your ways.
You may not talk.
You will not move from these seats.
And you will not sleep.
All right, people, we're going to try
something a little different today.
We are going to write an essay
of no less than 1000 words
describing to me who you think you are.
Is this a test?
And when I say essay, I mean essay.
I do not mean a single word
repeated 1000 times.
- Is that clear, Mr. Bender?
- Crystal.
Good. Maybe you'll learn
something about yourself.
Maybe you'll even decide
whether or not you care to return.
You know, I can answer
that right now, sir.
That'd be "no",
no for me, 'cause...
- Sit down, Johnson.
- Thank you, sir.
My office is right across that hall.
Any monkey business is ill-advised.
Any questions?
Yeah. I got a question.
Does Barry Manilow know
that you raid his wardrobe?
I'll give you the answer to that question,
Mr. Bender, next Saturday.
Don't mess with the bull, young man,
you'll get the horns.
That man is a brownie hound.
You keep eating your hand,
you're not going to be hungry for lunch.
I've seen you before, you know.
young - genç
youfor - senin için
write - yazmak
words - kelimeler
whether - olup olmadığını
wardrobe - giysi dolabı
wanna - istiyorum
today - bugün
think - düşünmek
thank - teşekkür
something - bir şey
single - Tek
saturday - cumartesi
error - hata
describing - açıklayan
mistake - hata
eating - yemek yiyor
advised - tavsiye
decide - karar ver
hungry - aç
learn - öğrenmek
congratulate - tebrik etmek
sleep - uyku
detention - tutuklama
horns - boynuzları
little - küçük
people - insanlar
clear - açık
brownie - çikolatalı kek
yourself - kendin
business - iş
seats - koltuklar
before - önce
answer - cevap
eight - sekiz
office - ofis
barry - barry
belong - ait
hours - saatler
times - zamanlar
different - farklı
bender - alem
question - soru
exactly - kesinlikle
questions - sorular
essay - deneme
going - gidiş
about - hakkında
manilow - manilow
minutes - dakika
right - Sağ
these - bunlar
crystal - kristal
johnson - johnson
being - olmak
across - karşısında
lunch - öğle yemeği
repeated - tekrarlanan
monkey - maymun
hound - tazı
ponder - düşünmek
excuse - bahane
maybe - olabilir
return - dönüş
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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