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Öğrenmeye başla
What's the timeline here?
As the EM Field
becomes more and more unstable,
we'll start seeing
isolated incidents.
One plane will fall from the
sky, and then two, and then...
in a few months, anything...
everything electronic will be fried.
Static discharges in the atmosphere
will create "super-storms"
with hundreds of lightening strikes
per square mile.
After that, it gets bad.
The Earth's EM Field
shields us from the solar winds,
which are a lethal blend of...
radioactive particles
and microwaves.
When that shield collapses,
microwave radiation will
literally cook our planet.
This is the Sun.
This is the Earth...
without the EM Field.
Would you?
Three months, gentlemen,
and we're back in the Stone Age.
A full year, the field collapses...
and that.
May I?
Feel free to throw up.
I know I did.
So, how do we fix it?
We can't.
Not in my vocabulary.
Then you might want to get one of those
Word-A-Day calendars, General
because it's impossible.
The core is the size
of Mars.
You're talking about
jump-starting a planet.
This is a superheated
of molten iron and nickel
at 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit,
2,000 miles down,
1,000 miles thick.
And the deepest we've ever been
is... seven miles
with a two-inch drill bit.
If we can go into space,
Well, space is easy. It's empty.
We're talking about millions of
pounds of pressure per square inch.
Even if we somehow came up with
a brilliant plan to fix the core
we just can't get there.
Yes, but...
...what if we could?
would - olur
vocabulary - kelime hazinesi
throw - atmak
without - olmadan
which - hangi
thick - kalın
there - Orada
superheated - kızgın
super - süper
storms - fırtınalar
stone - taş
square - kare
space - uzay
solar - güneş
shields - kalkanlar
seven - yedi
radioactive - radyoaktif
radiation - radyasyon
pressure - basınç
microwaves - mikrodalgalar
earth - toprak
empty - Boş
degrees - derece
timeline - zaman çizelgesi
could - could
atmosphere - atmosfer
static - statik
field - alan
fluid - akışkan
microwave - mikrodalga
strikes - vurur
deepest - en derin
electronic - elektronik
particles - parçacıklar
create - yaratmak
seeing - görme
anything - her şey
becomes - olur
everything - her şey
because - Çünkü
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
plane - uçak
planet - gezegen
starting - Başlangıç
discharges - deşarjlar
fahrenheit - Fahrenhayt
blend - harman
shield - kalkan
brilliant - parlak
might - belki
collapses - çökmeler
drill - matkap
fried - Kızarmış
miles - mil
general - Genel
start - başlama
hundreds - yüzlerce
somehow - bir şekilde
hyper - aşırı
incidents - olaylar
lethal - öldürücü
calendars - takvimler
after - sonra
impossible - imkansız
three - üç
those - bu
isolated - yalıtılmış
lightening - hafifletme
literally - harfi harfine
millions - milyonlarca
gentlemen - beyler
months - ay
winds - rüzgarlar
unstable - kararsız
molten - erimiş
nickel - nikel
pounds - pound
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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