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Öğrenmeye başla
Kent Mansley, United States Government,
Unexplained Phenomena Department.
- Marv Loach. I'm the foreman
- What happened?
Not sure. Sometimes the line'll snap
if the weather is bad, sure.
But for a whole tower to get twisted up like that...
It's got me beat.
It's almost like it was bitten off
by some enormous beast.
Enormous beast. Yeah.
What do you think?
Escaped gorilla?
What department is that again?
I'm not at liberty to reveal
the particulars of the agency I work for
...and all that that implies.
You mean national security?
Let's put it this way.
Every once in a while, things happen that...
...just can't be rationalized
in a conventional way.
People wanna know that
the government has a response.
I am that response.
So were there any witnesses?
Well, sir, if you'll just follow me.
We did find this.
United States Government, huh?
Guess that means something big's
happening here.
No, Marv. Big things happen
in big places.
And the sooner I fill my report,
the sooner I can get back to them.
Enormous beast, yeah...
Biggest thing in this town is probably
the homecoming queen.
Oh, my God!
Come on, Marv. Come on,
I need a witness.
It's like a big big chomp
out of the side of the car.
It's like... like a bite out
of a ham sandwich, like a...
What are we looking at here,
Mr. Mansley?
Something big, Marv.
Something big.
witnesses - tanıklar
witness - Tanık
weather - hava
wanna - istiyorum
united - birleşmiş
unexplained - açıklanmamış
think - düşünmek
homecoming - eve dönüş
escaped - kaçtı
reveal - ortaya çıkartmak
every - proszę uważać
happen - olmak
bitten - ısırılan
conventional - geleneksel
implies - ima
happened - olmuş
chomp - chomp
almost - neredeyse
again - Tekrar
biggest - en büyük
something - bir şey
government - hükümet
gorilla - goril
foreman - ustabaşı
enormous - muazzam
while - süre
department - bölüm
loach - çoprabalığı
guess - tahmin
looking - seyir
agency - ajans
mansley - mansley
means - anlamına geliyor
national - ulusal
liberty - özgürlük
rationalized - rasyonalize
twisted - bükülmüş
particulars - ayrıntılar
happening - olay
report - rapor
response - tepki
things - eşyalar
follow - takip et
people - insanlar
phenomena - fenomenler
queen - Kraliçe
probably - muhtemelen
beast - canavar
sandwich - sandviç
whole - bütün
security - güvenlik
sometimes - ara sıra
sooner - er
states - devletler
places - yerler
there - Orada
tower - kule
thing - şey
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