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Öğrenmeye başla
How come that we have
a 600-year-old document
with the professor's
handwriting on it?
Pleading for help.
I'll explain everything as soon
as we get through security.
ITC is constantly advancing itself
in science.
machine that could
instantly send documents
anywhere in the world with the
push of a button.
Mr Doniger's vision was to do the same
with 3-dimensional objects.
- Like a fax or something?
- Exactly.
He's trying to send actual objects
from one place to another?
He would need a quantum computer
with millions of processors.
And we used them to build
a machine
that could actually fax three-dimensional
I'll explain these mirrors later.
I know it sounds crazy.
But it would put FedEx and UPS
out of business.
- Well, you actually made it work?
- Yes.
Across a room.
But we wanted to send things
across continents
so we built a bigger machine.
This is the prototype.
The prototype? So, you mean
that thing that we just passed...
We gave it a thousand times
more power.
We tried to send something
from our lab here in New Mexico
to a twin machine at a lab
in New York City.
Now, here's the interesting part.
The package never arrived
at its destination.
A few hours later, it just suddenly
showed up back here.
Wait a minute. So if it went missing
between New Mexico and New York,
where did it go
in the meantime?
We asked the same question.
We didn't know.
So we sent out a camera
over and over again,
and we got back photos of the
same location, a hillside with trees.
And that's when Mr. Doniger
made the brilliant decision
to point the camera straight up.
So once we cross-referenced
star charts to the horizon,
we realized that the camera
was not only in the wrong place,
- but it was in the wrong time.
- So, what does that mean?
The camera was taking photographs
of a wilderness
near Castlegard, France
in the year 1357.
So, what you're saying is that you accidentally
discovered time travel?
We accidentally discovered
a wormhole.
A wormhole that seems to be locked
to a single time and place in the past:
1357, Castlegard.
So, what does that mean?
you faxed my father's glasses and
documents back to the 14th century?
wrong - Yanlış
would - olur
hours - saatler
castlegard - castlegard
interesting - ilginç
faxed - faksla
hillside - yamaç
actually - aslında
tried - denenmiş
glasses - gözlük
charts - çizelgeleri
computer - bilgisayar
everything - her şey
documents - evraklar
could - could
france - Fransa
exactly - kesinlikle
decision - Karar
point - puan
asked - diye sordu
continents - kıtalar
instantly - anında
again - Tekrar
locked - kilitli
vision - vizyon
suddenly - aniden
another - bir diğeri
anywhere - herhangi bir yer
place - yer
built - inşa edilmiş
business - iş
passed - geçti
build - inşa etmek
across - karşısında
handwriting - el yazısı
thing - şey
button - düğme
camera - kamera
wanted - aranan
explain - açıklamak
between - arasında
meantime - bu arada
discovered - keşfedilen
horizon - ufuk
where - nerede
bigger - daha büyük
advancing - ilerleyen
quantum - kuantum
destination - hedef
dimensional - boyutlu
objects - nesneleri
century - yüzyıl
machine - makine
doniger - Doniger
constantly - sürekli
itself - kendisi
later - sonra
cross - çapraz
seems - görünüyor
question - soru
millions - milyonlarca
minute - dakika
document - belge
sounds - sesleri
through - vasitasiyla
mirrors - aynalar
missing - Eksik
actual - gerçek
never - asla
package - paket
crazy - çılgın
accidentally - kazara
photographs - fotoğraflar
world - Dünya
pleading - yalvaran
brilliant - parlak
power - Güç
times - zamanlar
processors - işlemciler
travel - seyahat
wormhole - solucan deliği
prototype - prototip
realized - gerçekleştirilen
referenced - başvurulan
science - bilim
fedex - fedex
arrived - geldi
mexico - Meksika
saying - söz
security - güvenlik
showed - gösterdi
single - Tek
wilderness - çöl
location - yer
three - üç
something - bir şey
straight - düz
taking - alma
these - bunlar
things - eşyalar
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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