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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
Gentlemen. You are the top one
percent of all naval aviators.
The elite. Best of the best.
We'll make you better.
Fly at least
two combat missions a day,
Attend classes in between
And evaluations
of your performance.
Now, on each combat sequence,
You're gonna meet
a different challenge.
Every encounter is gonna be
much more difficult.
We're gonna teach you
to fly the f-14
Right to the edge of the envelope,
Faster than you've ever flown before
More dangerous.
Now, we don't make
policy here, gentlemen.
Elected officials,
civilians do that.
We are the instruments
of that policy.
And although we're not at war,
we must always act
- As though we are at war.
- What are you doing?
- The tip of the spear...
- I'm just wondering...
- Best be sharp.
- Who's the best.
In case some of you wonder
who the best is,
They're up here
on this plaque on the wall.
The best driver and his Rio from
each class has his name on it.
And they have the option to come
back here To be top gun instructors.
You think your name's
gonna be on that plaque?
Yes, sir.
That's pretty arrogant,
Considering the company
you're in.
Yes, sir.
I like that in a pilot.
Just remember, when it's over out
there, We're all on the same team.
Gentlemen, this school
is about combat.
There are no points
for second place.
- Dismissed.
- Nice going.
The plaque for the alternates
is down in the ladies' room.
Oh, Jesus. Oh, you kill me.
You really do.
wondering - merak ediyor
think - düşünmek
there - Orada
school - okul
remember - hatırlamak
pretty - güzel
teach - öğretmek
points - makas
doing - iş
jesus - isa
dismissed - işten
aviators - havacılar
classes - sınıflar
right - Sağ
challenge - meydan okuma
performance - performans
plaque - plaka
dangerous - Tehlikeli
class - sınıf
though - gerçi
company - Şirket
always - Her zaman
really - gerçekten mi
alternates - alternatifler
about - hakkında
naval - deniz
between - arasında
arrogant - kibirli
elected - seçildi
combat - savaş
although - olmasına rağmen
policy - Politika
attend - katılmak
difficult - zor
civilians - siviller
envelope - zarf
considering - düşünen
before - önce
driver - sürücü
elite - seçkinler
missions - misyonları
instruments - enstrümanlar
wonder - merak etmek
second - ikinci
better - Daha iyi
encounter - karşılaşma
gentlemen - beyler
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
sharp - Keskin
evaluations - değerlendirmeler
every - proszę uważać
flown - uçakla
sequence - sıra
faster - Daha hızlı
instructors - Eğitmenler
least - en az
spear - mızrak
different - farklı
officials - yetkililer
option - seçenek
percent - yüzde
pilot - pilot
place - yer
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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