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Öğrenmeye başla
The last time I saw my mom
and dad, I was eight going on nine...
eight years, six months,
and three days,
almost as old as you are.
They were going on tour, and they were
leaving me behind for the first time.
Because they didn't want me
missing any more school.
When they came to my room to say good-bye.
I wouldn't open the door, so they left.
I fell asleep.
And then, the next thing I knew...
my nanny was waking me up
in the middle of the night
telling me
their plane had crashed.
You're lucky.
- Lucky?
That you were mad.
See, when you're mad,
you don't miss people,
and if you stay mad,
it's like you never knew them at all.
That way you don't
have to feel sucky about it.
You were lucky.
I wasn't mad, Ray.
I was confused.
Everyone was talking to me,
talking, talking, talking
and I couldn't understand
a word they were saying.
Then their voices
became a blur...
and soon I couldn't even
recognize their faces.
They were like these blobs.
Then they started
to grow fangs...
and their eyes
became green.
I knew I had to run away.
So I packed my knapsack, got on
the train, looked up at the map,
and decided that I wanted
to live in Coney Island.
I thought
it was gonna be a real island...
and I could hide away there like
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
Well, imagine my surprise.
The Teacups was the only ride
they'd let me on by myself.
So I got on it and I started
spinning myself round and round.
And I feel like I'm still there,
spinning round and round and round,
and the ride won't stop,
and I won't dare get off.
You were right, Ray.
I am scared.
But you're scared, too.
You're as scared as I am.
And I thought maybe...
I thought maybe if we...
could go together...
years - Yıl
voices - sesleri
understand - anlama
thing - şey
train - Tren
these - bunlar
three - üç
their - onların
telling - söylüyorum
teacups - teacups
surprise - Sürpriz
still - yine
huckleberry - Amerikan yabanmersini
right - Sağ
gonna - olacak
imagine - hayal etmek
spinning - döndürme
confused - şaşkın
became - oldu
almost - neredeyse
saying - söz
together - Birlikte
crashed - çöktü
blobs - lekeler
thought - düşünce
decided - karar
wanted - aranan
going - gidiş
knapsack - sırt çantası
fangs - dişleri
myself - kendim
because - Çünkü
talking - konuşma
sucky - siktiri
about - hakkında
plane - uçak
there - Orada
school - okul
behind - arkasında
coney - coney
eight - sekiz
round - yuvarlak
asleep - uykuda
could - could
started - başladı
people - insanlar
island - ada
leaving - ayrılma
middle - orta
looked - baktı
faces - yüzleri
maybe - olabilir
missing - Eksik
waking - uyanık
months - ay
first - ilk
nanny - dadı
never - asla
lucky - şanslı
packed - paketlenmiş
sawyer - bıçkıcı
night - gece
green - yeşil
everyone - Herkes
scared - korkmuş
recognize - tanımak
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