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Öğrenmeye başla
There must be some mistake.
Ms. Jensen, try and take this
news with the poise and grace
that one associates
with Royalty Airlines.
We expect our employees to
behave in a professional manner
and to handle setbacks
with integrity.
Screw integrity!
I am not going back to commuter!
Oh, my God.
I can't believe
this is happening.
This cannot be happening.
Royalty Express,
although commuter,
is still a member
of the Royalty family, okay?
It's not my destiny.
I want my destiny.
Well, I'm sorry.
But you'll be eligible
to reapply after one year.
One year?
I was the best in my class.
You were there.
I've seen it a hundred times.
You peaked too soon.
I don't understand.
How do I explain this?
You're what we
in the trainee business call
a "peak-too-sooner."
It happens.
I aced that test.
I want to see it.
- That's not procedure.
- Call Sally Weston.
Although an excellent mentor,
she has no authority
in these matters.
- That is bullshit.
- Want to know what's bullshit?
Eye exams!
That's what's bullshit!
I wanted my destiny, too,
you know!
I wanted to be
a flight attendant, but no!
There's a shit stick out there
called procedure, Ms. Jensen!
And I'm here to tell you
that everyone gets hit
with the shit stick!
Eye exam! Eye exam!
Eye exam!
Forgive me.
Dr. Tim at the center says that
when I get like this, I...
I need to refocus.
So just give me a second, okay?
Better. Okay.
understand - anlama
trainee - stajyer
times - zamanlar
these - bunlar
there - Orada
still - yine
stick - çubuk
sorry - afedersiniz
sooner - er
setbacks - terslikler
screw - vida
royalty - imtiyaz
excellent - Mükemmel
weston - Weston
manner - tavır
destiny - kader
everyone - Herkes
cannot - yapamam
integrity - bütünlük
called - denilen
family - Aile
business - iş
poise - duruş
happens - olur
eligible - uygun
associates - ortakları
mentor - akıl hocası
exams - sınavlar
believe - inanmak
refocus - yönlendirmesi
although - olmasına rağmen
attendant - görevli
commuter - banliyö
airlines - hava yolları
jensen - jensen
after - sonra
class - sınıf
authority - yetki
second - ikinci
better - Daha iyi
matters - hususlar
center - merkez
sally - çıkış hareketi
behave - davranmak
member - üye
employees - çalışanlar
bullshit - saçmalık
handle - sap
expect - beklemek
explain - açıklamak
express - ekspres
flight - Uçuş
forgive - affetmek
wanted - aranan
going - gidiş
happening - olay
reapply - yeniden uygulamak
hundred - yüz
peaked - süzülmüş
grace - zarafet
mistake - hata
procedure - prosedür
professional - profesyonel
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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