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Öğrenmeye başla
Well, what?
Nothing. Um, you can go now.
I'll see you at your next regularly
scheduled appointment, and again, don't
- To call you if I have any questions or concerns.
- Exactly.
Why'd you have me come
all the way in here
if spotting's a perfectly normal
symptom in early pregnancy?
I mean, I... I had to get up early,
take a bus, walk five blocks,
just to hear that spotting
is a perfectly normal symptom?
I have no response to that.
And what time does this office
normally open, Doctor, 8:30?
- Nine o'clock.
- Nine o'clock?
So-So you came in here two hours
early just to tell me
that spotting is a perfectly
normal symptom?
Well, it would seem that way, yes.
- Good-bye, Dr. Pomatter.
- Good-bye, Jenna.
I think you're strange.
I'm not sure I want you to be my doctor
anymore. You make me uncomfortable.
I'm sorry, Jenna.
I'm really sorry.
Whatever it is I do,
I will not do it anymore.
You should not be uncomfortable
at this time.
- You're doing it again.
- How? What did I?
I don't know, you know,
that nice-guy-talky thing you do.
You just... Oh, forget it.
Damn! My purse!
You forgot your pur...
Don't walk away from me.
Well, what do you want?
I want to see you again.
I want to talk to you
somewhere outside of here.
Maybe we could have
a coffee or something.
I can't have coffee.
It's on the bad food list you gave me.
- What kind of doctor are you?
- You don't have to have coffee.
You could have water or fruit juice.
That's a bad idea.
I'm married. You're married.
I'm pregnant.
You're my doctor.
You're right, it's crazy. I... It's
unethical on my part.
water - su
uncomfortable - rahatsız
normal - normal
jenna - jenna
somewhere - bir yerde
normally - normalde
forget - unutmak
really - gerçekten mi
forgot - unuttum
would - olur
exactly - kesinlikle
perfectly - kusursuzca
questions - sorular
could - could
crazy - çılgın
should - meli
unethical - etik olmayan
coffee - Kahve
again - Tekrar
blocks - bloklar
fruit - meyve
doctor - doktor
maybe - olabilir
concerns - endişeler
sorry - afedersiniz
outside - dışında
appointment - randevu
whatever - her neyse
juice - meyve suyu
pregnancy - gebelik
doing - iş
office - ofis
strange - garip
pomatter - pomatter
anymore - Artık
something - bir şey
think - düşünmek
pregnant - Hamile
purse - çanta
married - evli
early - Erken
regularly - düzenli olarak
hours - saatler
response - tepki
talky - geveze
right - Sağ
scheduled - tarifeli
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
thing - şey
spotting - lekelenme
symptom - semptom
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