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Öğrenmeye başla
This is insane.
Your son tore
my daughter's fingernails off,
tore them clear off.
She had to go
to the emergency room,
her hands were
bleeding so badly.
I just don't understand why he
would do something...
"Because I felt like it."
That's what he told Stacy.
He's just never been a violent
or cruel...
I hear the stories.
I hear about the things
he makes the other kids do,
all in the name of being
in the cool clique.
Mrs. withers, what about
Andy's side of the story?
I mean, who's to say he wasn't
provoked at some point?
Are you suggesting
that this is Stacy's fault?
Conflicts like these
between hotheaded teenagers...
Stacy is on her way to being
valedictorian at this school.
I would hardly call her...
are often
very complicated situations.
It's just not as black-and-white
as you're describing it.
I am at a loss.
He should be suspended
from school or expelled.
What are you suggesting we do?
I think it would be helpful
if Stacy...
Takes a break from school,
vacation, if you will,
until the dust settles.
You can expect a call from our
lawyer later this afternoon.
You've always been decent
to our family, Cora,
but your son needs real help.
And if you can't see that,
apparently so do you.
white - beyaz
violent - şiddetli
valedictorian - veda konuşmacısı
until - a kadar
understand - anlama
things - eşyalar
these - bunlar
takes - alır
withers - atın omuz başı
suspended - askıya alındı
would - olur
suggesting - düşündüren
being - olmak
insane - deli
point - puan
teenagers - gençler
family - Aile
expect - beklemek
because - Çünkü
school - okul
story - öykü
conflicts - çatışmalar
cruel - acımasız
stacy - stacy
decent - terbiyeli
clique - klik
describing - açıklayan
break - kırılma
makes - markaları
think - düşünmek
afternoon - öğleden sonra
should - meli
between - arasında
fingernails - tırnakları
emergency - acil servis
complicated - Karmaşık
fault - hata
helpful - faydalı
provoked - provoke
situations - durumlar
clear - açık
always - Her zaman
lawyer - avukat
vacation - tatil
bleeding - kanama
hands - eller
hardly - zorlukla
hotheaded - hotheaded
later - sonra
needs - ihtiyaçlar
never - asla
often - sık sık
about - hakkında
black - siyah
other - diğer
settles - yerleşir
something - bir şey
expelled - sınırdışı
apparently - görünüşe göre
badly - kötü
stories - hikayeleri
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