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Was sözcüğünü içeren filmlerden örnekler

- This was fun. - Yes. Surprisingly, it was.
Despicable Me 2 - Worst Date Ever
I never drank vodka before, and I was out of beads!
Scary Movie 3 - Faking It
John was just about the happiest boy in the world
Ted - A Young Boy's Wish
Yeah, Dad, I made a wish last night that Teddy was alive
Ted - A Young Boy's Wish
You see, he was in the ass-kicking business, and...
Zombieland - Limber Up
That was a really good start.
Pitch Perfect - Fat Amy
Yeah. That was great, bro. Who's the man?
Wanted - Wesley's Breakdown
I never liked the guy, but he was right about not taking crap.
Dirty Work - Don't Take No Crap From Nobody
Like there was this crossing guard used to grab all the kids' asses.
Dirty Work - Don't Take No Crap From Nobody
The only way to nail a guy like that was to catch him red-handed.
Dirty Work - Don't Take No Crap From Nobody
I was putting your phone on silent for the movie.
Trainwreck - You Always Do This to Me
Because as I was turning off your phone, I got a picture of somebody's dick.
Trainwreck - You Always Do This to Me
You thought I was foolin' around, didn't ya? Tell me the truth.
Raging Bull - You Want Your Steak?
The moment I sat down, I thought I was looking into a mirror.
Twins - Not Identical Twins
So cooperate, Miss Bracken. Why was Susan Lefferts at the Nite Owl?
L.A. Confidential - Better Than Veronica Lake
- I should know your first name. - Forget I asked. It was a mistake.
L.A. Confidential - Better Than Veronica Lake

Was sözcüğünün sesli telaffuzu

Amerikan telaffuzu

Was sözcüğünün Ivy tarafından telaffuz edilişi (çocuk, kız)
Was sözcüğünün Joanna tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Was sözcüğünün Kendra tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Was sözcüğünün Kimberly tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Was sözcüğünün Salli tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Was sözcüğünün Joey tarafından telaffuz edilişi (erkek)
Was sözcüğünün Justin tarafından telaffuz edilişi (çocuk, erkek çocuk)
Was sözcüğünün Matthew tarafından telaffuz edilişi (erkek)

Britanya telaffuzu

Was sözcüğünün Amy tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Was sözcüğünün Emma tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Was sözcüğünün Brian tarafından telaffuz edilişi (erkek)