I had the right to sublurr, because they ache one stick
I saw five to six million but, yo, that ain't really shit.
It was supposed to be different, we were supposed to write out,
But tumach shot his girl, then shot himself in the mouth.
Then the steady game form very soon fell apart,
'Cause when you just doing all, the loyalty in your heart,
Slight catch a long hymn on all these niggas forgetting where they're coming from
And they're slowing down, wait a minute, what we're running from?
This what we're supposed to do, here's where we're supposed to be,
I hated MTV for trying to play me like a mockery.
But that don't bother me, I just fulfill my fucking contract,
Small price to pay just to take a piece of my back.
My back, backfire, assassination of my character,
Just demassing me in the America.
My younger sister, Erika, just adopted a child,
My older brother served fifteen, he made it out.
Even though my father loved me, I ain't seen him for a while.
Had to fight my baby, bitch, give me my nigga now.
'Cause I'm running out of time and I need him to understand
The way a superior man had build a brand
write - писати
would - б
worthless - нічого не варті
working - працює
within - в межах
while - поки
twisted - кручений
trying - намагаюся
where - де
thought - думав
though - хоча
taxes - податки
surviving - вижив
superior - начальник
still - досі
stick - палиця
steady - стійкий
small - маленький
slight - незначний
child - дитина
females - самки
exchange - обмін
every - кожен
verses - вірші
coming - приходить
uncle - дядько
because - оскільки
crooked - криві
mockery - знущання
contract - договір
drink - пити
circus - цирк
bother - турбуйся
catch - виловити
disappointment - розчарування
tomorrow - завтра
another - інший
smash - розбити
forgetting - забуваючи
feeling - почуття
sorrow - горе
right - правильно
younger - молодший
blindly - сліпо
bitch - сука
could - міг
begins - починається
price - ціна
about - про
america - Америка
whole - цілий
dragged - тягнув
adopted - прийнятий
minute - хвилина
brand - бренд
annoying - дратує
words - слова
calling - дзвінок
better - краще
second - другий
behind - позаду
something - щось
being - буття
devil - диявол
relatives - родичі
character - характер
backfire - відставання
doing - робити
assassination - вбивство
living - живий
mother - мама
strong - сильний
fifteen - п'ятнадцять
bottle - пляшка
apart - окремо
really - дійсно
different - інший
recognize - розпізнати
fight - бій
brother - брат
follow - слідуйте
found - знайдено
uncles - дядьки
trouble - біда
fucking - ебать
fulfill - виконувати
worth - варто
fullest - найповніше
gotta - gotta
growing - зростає
million - мільйон
resurrected - воскрес
phone - телефон
person - людина
heartbreak - серденька
heart - серце
himself - сам
settle - оселитися
loved - любив
california - Каліфорнія
Натисніть на будь-яке слово, щоб побачити переклад
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