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My job consists of
basically masking...
my contempt for
the assholes in charge...
and at least once a day retiring to the
men's room, so I can jerk off
while I fantasize about a life that
doesn't so closely resemble hell.
Well, you obviously have no interest
in saving yourself.
Brad, for 14 years, I've been a whore
for the advertising industry.
The only way I could save myself now
is if I start firebombing.
Whatever. Management wants you
gone by the end of the day.
Just what sort of severance package
is management prepared to offer me,
considering the information
I have about our editorial director...
buying pussy
with company money?
Which I think
would interest the I.R.S.,
since it technically
constitutes fraud.
And I'm sure that some of our
advertisers and rival publications...
might like to know about it as well,
not to mention... Craig's wife.
- What do you want?
- One year's salary with benefits.
That's not going to happen.
What do you say I throw in a little
sexual harassment charge to boot?
Against who?
Against you.
Can you prove that you
didn't offer to save my job...
if I let you blow me?
Man... you are
one twisted fuck.
Nope. I'm just an ordinary guy...
with nothing to lose.
yourself - самі
years - років
whore - повія
while - поки
whatever - що б не було
throw - кинути
technically - технічно
start - почати
twisted - кручений
sexual - сексуальний
severance - розірваність
salary - зарплата
rival - суперник
going - йдемо
fraud - шахрайство
editorial - редакційна стаття
contempt - презирство
fantasize - фантазувати
director - режисер
considering - розглядаючи
since - з
could - міг
constitutes - складається
little - мало
package - пакет
company - компанія
advertising - реклама
publications - [object Object]
closely - тісно
charge - платити
ordinary - звичайний
which - котрий
wants - хоче
think - думай
saving - економія
against - проти
pussy - киска
information - інформація
about - про
basically - в основному
assholes - жопу
buying - покупка
interest - інтерес
offer - пропозиція
benefits - вигоди
happen - статися
industry - промисловість
nothing - нічого
would - б
management - управління
least - найменше
harassment - переслідування
masking - маскування
obviously - очевидно
consists - складається
advertisers - рекламодавці
might - може
firebombing - бомбардування
money - гроші
myself - я сам
prepared - підготований
mention - згадати
prove - довести
resemble - нагадують
retiring - у відставці
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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