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Почати навчання
Once upon a time,
cave people went around killing and [bleeping].
Then for some reason, they started thinking
about themselves
and that made them
not cave people, but people people.
But still, they killed.
And they [bleep].
Only, they were also thinking
about killing and [bleep].
Now, women hated life.
Men who were not kings
hated life.
And kids were only kids
for a few days.
Being alive sucked unless you
were [bleep] or already dead.
Anyway, volcanoes slagged people
in their slumber.
Big cats regrouped.
Little cats snuck in.
And sharks gave up
on growing legs.
And the dogs
that didn't stay wolves
turned into stupid
little versions of people.
Now, men and women
have always hated each other for [bleep] and killing,
but they have also always loved
each other for [bleep] and killing.
Nothing has changed really.
Once upon a time,
men went to sleep
with a rock in their hand
and sex in their dream.
Then men went to sleep
with a knife in their hand and sex in their dream.
Now men go to sleep
with a gun in their hand and sex in their dream.
And some men go to sleep
with themselves in their hand and sex in… their dream.
But women...
Women go to sleep worrying about tomorrow.
worrying - турбуючись
wolves - вовки
versions - версії
volcanoes - вулкани
unless - якщо не
tomorrow - завтра
thinking - мислення
sucked - смоктав
stupid - тупий
still - досі
started - почався
themselves - самі
snuck - посміхнувся
slagged - шлак
sharks - акули
regrouped - перегруповано
really - дійсно
changed - змінився
their - їх
being - буття
turned - обернувся
sleep - спати
anyway - все одно
around - навколо
other - інший
bleep - б'ють
growing - зростає
alive - живий
already - вже
slumber - дрімоти
always - завжди
killing - вбивство
reason - причина
dream - мрія
women - жінки
hated - ненавидіти
about - про
knife - нож
killed - убитий
kings - царі
bleeping - блідий
loved - любив
nothing - нічого
little - мало
people - люди
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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