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Почати навчання
They're coming.
Kat's distress call must
have reached Earth.
Wait, where are they docking?
- Looks like Zarya.
- Jesus, that's where Calvin is.
Station to Soyuz.
Station to Soyuz, do you copy?
Station to Soyuz, do you copy?
Try the flashlight.
Come on, come on.
They can't see this.
Must be too reflective.
What the fuck are they doing?
They're not coming to rescue us.
- It's Firewall Three.
- What?
Firewall One was the box.
And Firewall Two was the lab.
And Firewall Three is the station.
But we have a new firewall.
They don't know that.
And if Firewall One or Two fail,
they have two choices.
They can contain, or they expel.
They're pushing us out to deep space.
They cannot risk Calvin reaching Earth.
That was my protocol.
I insisted from the beginning,
and the committee agreed.
They all put their names to it.
The list is as long as your arm.
Now, protecting firewalls is my job,
and if we would have succeeded,
we could have gone home.
And if we failed...
zarya - заря
would - б
station - станція
space - простір
three - три
soyuz - Союз
succeeded - вдалося
rescue - порятунок
reflective - рефлексивний
reaching - досягаючи
pushing - штовхати
protocol - протокол
protecting - захист
distress - страждання
coming - приходить
reached - досягли
docking - стикування
looks - виглядає
choices - вибір
could - міг
where - де
insisted - наполягав
earth - земля
contain - містити
calvin - калвін
agreed - погодився
firewall - брандмауер
names - імена
their - їх
committee - комітет
cannot - не можу
expel - вигнати
beginning - початок
firewalls - брандмауери
failed - не вдалося
flashlight - ліхтарик
doing - робити
jesus - Ісус
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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