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Почати навчання
Be very, very quiet. I'm hunting rabbits.
I am a duck bent on self-preservationum.
Say your prayers, rabbit.
It's rabbit season.
- Duck season.
- Rabbit season!
- Duck season.
- Rabbit season!
Rabbit season.
Duck season! Fire!
Hold everything.
"Daffy gets blasted. " Mm-hm.
Page 7: "Daffy gets blasted. "
Aha. Page 8: "Daffy gets blasted again!"
What's the matter
with you people?
We can't do this kind
of stuff anymore.
Brothers Warner...
...showbiz legends like me
shouldn't have to play stooge...
...to that long-eared,
carrot-chomping, overbite-challenged...
What's up, doc?
Hey, Bobby, how's the wife?
Great nose job, Chuck.
Oh, thanks, girls.
Good rug, Mel. Never would have guessed.
- Pardon me.
- The pleasure is mine.
Fellas, I think Daff's right.
Maybe I'll take a vacation.
Go visit my 542 nieces and nephews.
Mr. Duck, excuse me, I'm sorry.
I don't see how we can have
a Bugs Bunny movie without Bugs Bunny.
Oh, my heavens, no.
You couldn't have a movie
without Bugs Bunny.
And if you don't mind
me asking,
whose glorified personal
assistant are you?
Kate Houghton, Vice President, Comedy.
Kate did Lethal Weapon Babies.
Finally, a Lethal Weapon
that I can take my grandchildren to.
Um, gentlemen,
check your phones.
Our latest research shows
that Bugs Bunny is a core asset...
...that appeals to
male and female,
young and old throughout
the known universe...
...while your fanbase is
limited to angry fat guys in basements.
Yeah, but...
Come on, fellas, I'm thrice the
entertainer the rabbit is!
Fine, he's hilarious...
...but moviegoers these days
demand action heroes, like me!
Top that, rabbit.
So it has come to this, has it?
I'm afraid
the Brothers Warner must choose...
...between a handsome
matinee idol...
...or this miscreant perpetrator
of low burlesque.
Whichever one's not the duck.
would - б
whose - чий
weapon - зброя
warner - попереджувач
visit - візит
these - ці
thanks - дякую
sorry - вибачте
universe - всесвіт
stooge - капелюх
shows - шоу
showbiz - шоу-бізнес
right - правильно
rabbit - кролик
stuff - речі
president - президент
prayers - молитви
pleasure - задоволення
quiet - спокійно
personal - особистий
perpetrator - злочинець
phones - телефони
people - люди
pardon - помилую
research - дослідження
moviegoers - кіноманів
miscreant - зловмисник
matter - матерія
matinee - ранок
season - сезон
limited - обмежений
vacation - відпустка
lethal - смертельний
legends - легенди
choose - вибирай
bunny - кролика
movie - фільм
chomping - чомпінг
brothers - брати
bobby - Боббі
gentlemen - джентльмени
latest - останній
rabbits - кролики
carrot - морква
blasted - підірваний
without - без
think - думай
overbite - перехитрити
heavens - небеса
throughout - всюди
between - між
angry - сердитий
preservationum - консервація
appeals - звернення
action - дія
maybe - може бути
excuse - вибачте
again - знову
anymore - більше
everything - все
comedy - комедія
chuck - патрон
check - перевірити
young - молодий
never - ніколи
asset - активи
afraid - боїться
assistant - асистент
asking - запитую
daffy - даффі
great - чудово
handsome - красивий
whichever - що б то не було
hilarious - веселий
demand - попит
babies - немовлята
eared - вуха
entertainer - артист мистецтв
fanbase -
female - жінка
fellas - партія
thrice - тричі
finally - нарешті
girls - дівчатка
challenged - виклик
burlesque - бурлеск
glorified - прославився
nieces - племінниці
grandchildren - онуки
nephews - племінники
guessed - здогадувався
heroes - герої
while - поки
known - відомий
hunting - полювання
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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