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Почати навчання
and we let appropriate customers
test-drive the Testarossa.
But you're 17 years old and with
a blind companion.
That we don't do.
This is a $190,000 piece of machinery.
I'm not letting it out this door.
How 'bout this one over here ?
That's a Cabriolet T.
The same deal.
You think I'm gonna let
an unaccompanied kid
get behind the wheel
of a $110,000 car?
He will not be
I'll be with him.
I'm his father.
- You're his father ?
- Yes.
I have an idea. Why don't I take
your father for a test-drive ?
What's your quota, Freddie ?
Don't worry about my quota.
I do very well.
How many Ferraris
you sold this month ?
That's not relevant
to this discussion.
the 80s are over.
Are you tryin' to tell me
these are just walkin' out of the store ?
This is a Ferrari, sir
This is the finest piece of machinery
made in the automobile industry.
Why are you sellin' it?
I'd love to accommodate you, but
If this car performs the
way I expect it to,
you'll get a certified
check of $101,000 and change
when you come in here
tomorrow morning.
It's $109,000,
plus $950, plus tax.
Freddie, for you...
107 all in,
plus a case of champagne
to go with your leftover turkey.
What do you say ?
Don't worry about the boy.
He drives so smooth,
you can boil an egg on the engine.
When we bring the car back,
I'll peel the egg for ya.
Listen, you made me laugh,
but I can't let the car go out.
Want a deposit ?
This is not an
installment item, sir.
Freddie, you're no
spring chicken, are ya ?
Well, you know what they call me
at the home office ?
The gray ghost.
You know why they
still keep me around?
There's no kid here that
can move a Ferrari like I can.
I'm known from coast to coast
like butter and toast.
Ask anybody about
Freddie Bisco.
When I get a Ferrari...
out the door!
- Hah! You just made me laugh, Fredie.
- Yeah?
Two thousand.
Unless you take it,
you're gonna make me cry.
I'm a gray ghost too.
worry - турбуватися
wheel - колесо
unless - якщо не
tomorrow - завтра
think - думай
testarossa - testarossa
store - магазин
still - досі
smooth - гладкий
quota - квота
turkey - індичка
discussion - дискусія
industry - промисловість
known - відомий
deposit - депозит
spring - весна
change - змінити
expect - чекати
cabriolet - кабріолет
chicken - курка
butter - масло
champagne - шампанське
leftover - залишок
office - офіс
finest - найкращий
relevant - релевантний
appropriate - відповідний
anybody - ніхто
automobile - автомобільний
about - про
years - років
around - навколо
these - ці
companion - супутник
bisco - bisco
blind - сліпий
drives - диски
check - перевірити
coast - узбережжя
bring - принести
morning - ранок
engine - двигун
ferrari - феррарі
fredie - фріді
certified - сертифікований
gonna - збираюся
listen - слухай
unaccompanied - без супроводу
toast - тост
father - батько
ferraris - ферраріс
piece - шматок
accommodate - розмістити
laugh - сміятися
thousand - тисяча
customers - клієнти
freddie - Фредді
ghost - привид
installment - розстрочка
letting - дозволяючи
machinery - машини
performs - виконує
behind - позаду
drive - їхати
month - місяць
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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