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Почати навчання
Oh, God. Oh, God.
- What's going on?
Come on in the house.
What, are you going to shoot me right here
on your porch in broad daylight?
Are you out of your mind?
No, not if you're in the house.
I've googled this.
Do you want to know how it works? Yeah?
You come inside and I defend myself.
Now, I'm not going to pump six bullets into you, no.
That would make me look crazy and kind of, you know, out of control.
No, I'm going to pump three into you like a calm gun-owner would.
Zip, I came here with the intent, and only the intent,
of getting my camera back.
Oh, yeah. Your camera?
Come on inside.
If you just want your camera,
it's right here.
Listen to me.
I can really appreciate the fact that
things got completely nuts the other night.
And I can also appreciate
that a lot of your property...
I appreciate the fact that
a lot of your property got damaged as well.
You killed my fish.
You killed my fish, man.
Why would you do that?
Maybe you should be compensated for that.
You should be compensated for that.
I can't put a price on that,
because that's a friend.
Although you can't pet it, but
what would the fish do?
The fish doesn't want this, man.
I think what the fish is saying is
maybe I should get my camera back.
And maybe, just maybe, and
I'm just hoping against hope here,
maybe we can put this whole thing behind us.
I have a thousand.
I'll give you the thousand.
And an apology.
Zip, if I apologize to you when
you have a gun pointed at my throat,
then I don't think it really counts.
That's a good point.
I'm sorry for what happened.
I need to feel it.
I just need it to really
come from right there.
Look, man, I'm sorry, all right?
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
I'm really, really sorry that we're
standing here in this situation.
I'm sorry.
...seven, eight, nine, ten.
And the $400 I owe for the old person's home. Perfect.
You did this to me.
You know that.
I don't mess with firearms.
I don't do that.
I don't do that. Look, I'm a sensitive guy.
You know what I'm saying to you?
Thank you.
Drive safe.
would - б
works - працює
things - речі
thing - річ
thank - спасибі
throat - горло
standing - стоячи
situation - ситуація
there - там
shoot - стріляти
seven - семи
sensitive - чутливий
eight - вісім
sorry - вибачте
perfect - досконалий
whole - цілий
defend - захищати
daylight - денне світло
firearms - вогнепальна зброя
damaged - пошкоджено
hoping - сподіваючись
crazy - божевільний
apologize - вибачитися
control - контроль
apology - вибачення
appreciate - цінуємо
broad - широкий
night - ніч
although - хоча
think - думай
against - проти
property - власність
counts - підраховує
listen - слухай
going - йдемо
compensated - kompenzált
camera - камера
friend - друг
maybe - може бути
price - ціна
completely - повністю
drive - їхати
behind - позаду
saying - кажучи
bullets - кулі
getting - отримувати
inside - всередині
three - три
googled - googled
happened - сталося
thousand - тисяча
should - повинен
killed - убитий
house - будинок
intent - намір
right - правильно
because - оскільки
myself - я сам
other - інший
owner - власник
pointed - вказаний
point - точка
porch - ганок
really - дійсно
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
Ми використовуємо Перекладач Google на Speechyard. Будь ласка, виберіть вашу мову