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Почати навчання
- That's my home.
- Textopolis.
Here, each of us does one thing,
and we have to nail it every time.
The Christmas Tree just has to
stand there all festive.
- Merry Christmas!
- It's still September, Tim.
- The Princesses...
- I am so pretty.
They just got to wear their
crowns and keep their hair combed.
You guys, we are so pretty.
Devil, Poop, Thumbs Up.
They just show up, and they're good to go.
But for the faces,
the pressure is on.
Crier always has to cry,
even if he's just won the lottery.
Hooray! I'm a billionaire!
The Laugher is always laughing,
even if he's just broken his arm.
I can see the bone!
Now, me, I'm a Meh.
So, I got to be totally over it all the
time, you know, like, Meh, who cares?
Which is not as easy as it sounds.
I gotta be Meh.
I gotta be Meh.
Morning, Mrs. D.
I see you have the little minies with you.
Oh, they're so cute.
That is so adorable, I can't take it!
Now I'll never get them to sleep.
Stick to your one face, weirdo.
Olé! Olé!
Oh, no! Oh, no!
It's hard to always act blasé, when living
in Textopolis is just so exciting.
Hello, good simians.
Those are some sharp attachés.
Yes, well, we have
business to attend to.
- What kind of business?
- Monkey business.
I sounded British!
Meh. Oh, that was really good.
- Meh. Meh. That was a great...
- Whatcha doing there, mate?
Practicing. Today is my first
day on the phone.
Oh, boy. I'm gonna be so meh.
What are you gonna do?
Me and the boys are gonna
throw ourselves on the barbie!
Here's my sauce now.
G'day, mate.
Hey. Konnichiwa.
Oh, sorry, emoticons!
I hate knocking over the elderly.
Here, let me help, let me help.
Oh, my colon!
- Is that the time?
- Hey, my eyes are up here, pal.
Yeah! All right!
Right on time.
which - котрий
whatcha - що таке?
today - сьогодні
thing - річ
there - там
those - ті
their - їх
still - досі
stand - стояти
sounded - звучав
sorry - вибачте
right - правильно
really - дійсно
totally - повністю
princesses - принцеса
pretty - красиво
morning - ранок
emoticons - смайлики
september - Вересень
colon - кишка
konnichiwa -
every - кожен
crowns - крони
sharp - гострий
laughing - сміється
attach - прикріпити
elderly - літні люди
lottery - лотерея
merry - веселий
crier - криєр
combed - причесаний
british - британський
always - завжди
emojis - емодій
adorable - чарівний
cares - турботи
barbie - Барбі
monkey - мавпа
billionaire - мільярдер
phone - телефон
devil - диявол
business - бізнес
thumbs - великі пальці
stick - палиця
faces - обличчя
weirdo - дурниця
attend - відвідувати
festive - святковий
hooray - ура
simians - симійці
christmas - різдво
first - перший
sleep - спати
gonna - збираюся
knocking - стукати
gotta - gotta
ourselves - ми самі
pressure - тиск
great - чудово
exciting - хвилююче
hello - здравствуйте
laugher - сміховисько
sounds - звуки
little - мало
doing - робити
living - живий
throw - кинути
minies - міни
sauce - соус
broken - зламаний
never - ніколи
practicing - практикуючи
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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