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How to pronounce used in English


Examples from movies with Used

I'm gonna be setting up practice a little differently than you're used to.
Hoosiers - Coach Meets His Team
and our talents have been used for the greater good.
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
I used to think it meant lost. Frozen.
The Lovely Bones - She's Gone
My wife used to fart when she was nervous.
Good Will Hunting - Imperfections
You know, she used to fart in her sleep.
Good Will Hunting - Imperfections
Mr Gordon. Good. Well, Fredrica used to work for Mrs Lippman.
The Silence of the Lambs - Buffalo Bill
Yeah. Used to be I never had time for nothing. Go, go, go.
Alfie - Joe
I used to do cabinet making, but there's not much call for that these days.
The Lovely Bones - Last Wednesday
Yeah. I used to think I had the best end of the deal.
Alfie - What Have I Got?
Elves, giants, ogres and humans used to exist in harmony,
Ella Enchanted - Hold Your Tongue
Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation...
V for Vendetta - The Revolutionary Speech
Well, I used a pastry bag with a special nozzle.
Date and Switch - Pot Brownie
Like I'm getting used to these, I'm learning sign language and stuff.
Creed - You Got a Jawn?
You don't want an asshole where your face used to be, Whaling Jennings.
Superbad - Pussies on the Pavement
I mean, we're not used to doing anything for ourselves, let alone drive.
Frost/Nixon - No Holds Barred
It's interesting. I used to have this professor at Oxford, okay?
Mission: Impossible 3 - The Anti-God
You know, huge, big guy. We used to call him...
Mission: Impossible 3 - The Anti-God
You know... Well, I won't tell you what we used to call him.
Mission: Impossible 3 - The Anti-God
and he used to sort of scare the underclassmen
Mission: Impossible 3 - The Anti-God
Remember when we were kids and I used to have those blackouts?
The Butterfly Effect - Nothing's All Better
Greg used to... write for this TV show call The Midnighter.
Bounce - A Smoking Non-Smoker
You used to sing it to me when I was little.
A Better Life - A Reason to Live

Audio pronunciation of Used

American pronunciation

Used pronounced by Ivy (child, girl)
Used pronounced by Joanna (female)
Used pronounced by Kendra (female)
Used pronounced by Kimberly (female)
Used pronounced by Salli (female)
Used pronounced by Joey (male)
Used pronounced by Justin (child, boy)
Used pronounced by Matthew (male)

British pronunciation

Used pronounced by Amy (female)
Used pronounced by Emma (female)
Used pronounced by Brian (male)

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