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كلمات اغنية Klan Kookout - Bo Burnham

Klan Kookout - Bo Burnham

كلمات للدراسة

Grab a seat

Have something to eat

Help yourself, it's all right

If you want a beer, they're over here

But we only got Coors light

Try a chip with my homemade dip

The stuff is outa sight

Right before bed, we'll shave your head

It's a good thing you're dressed in white

Cos it's a Klan Kookout

Cos it's a Klan Kookout

Here's my wife, slash sister

She brightens up my day

She went away and I missed her,

Cos my Mum's a lousy lay

Don't hang with foreign fellows,

It'll only be your loss

Stay here and roast marshmallows

Beside the burning cross

At the Klan Kookout

Just the black people

Klan Kookout