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كلمات اغنية Accidental Racist (feat. Ll Cool J) - Brad Paisley

Accidental Racist (feat. Ll Cool J) - Brad Paisley

كلمات للدراسة

To the man that waited on me at the Starbucks down on Main, I hope you understand

When I put on that t-shirt, the only thing I meant to say is I’m a Skynyrd fan

The red flag on my chest somehow is like the elephant in the corner of the south

And I just walked him right in the room

Just a proud rebel son with an ‘ol can of worms

Lookin’ like I got a lot to learn but from my point of view

I’m just a white man comin’ to you from the southland

Tryin’ to understand what it’s like not to be

I’m proud of where I’m from but not everything we’ve done

And it ain’t like you and me can re-write history

Our generation didn’t start this nation

We’re still pickin’ up the pieces, walkin’ on eggshells, fightin’ over yesterday

And caught between southern pride and southern blame

They called it Reconstruction, fixed the buildings, dried some tears

We’re still siftin’ through the rubble after a hundred-fifty years

I try to put myself in your shoes and that’s a good place to begin

But it ain’t like I can walk a mile in someone else’s skin

‘Cause I’m a white man livin’ in the southland

Just like you I’m more than what you see

I’m proud of where I’m from but not everything we’ve done

And it ain’t like you and me can re-write history

Our generation didn’t start this nation

And we’re still paying for mistakes

That a bunch of folks made long before we came