Shes 98 pounds working down at the Dairy Queen.

With an Ogilvie Home Perm, and braces.

and He's long haired, no job and just 19

They got a baby on the way.

They're off to the races in love.

Look at em' go.

Now what in the world could go wrong?

Don't tell them the odds, It's best they don't know.

If Love was a plane, Nobody'd get on.

At the Ivy at lunchtime, in Beverly Hills,

The paparazzi are gathered outside.

'cause an actor and actress are havin' lunch.

And according to "Extra" and "Entertainment Tonight"

dairy - الألبان
world - العالمية
outside - في الخارج
gathered - جمعت
folks - الناس
ground - أرض
lunchtime - موعد الغذاء
entertainment - وسائل الترفيه
actress - ممثلة
according - علي حسب
small - صغير
actor - الممثل
plane - طائرة
about - حول
after - بعد
braces - الأقواس
beverly - بيفرلي
chance - فرصة
flyin - يطير في
tonight - هذه الليلة
theres - هناك
before - قبل
different - مختلف
chances - فرص
intercom - الاتصال الداخلي
imagine - تخيل
thing - شيء
lunch - غداء
paparazzi - المصورون
sayin - ساين
somehow - بطريقة ما
pounds - جنيه أو رطل للوزن
leave - غادر
queen - ملكة
haired - الشعر
could - استطاع
working - عامل
extra - إضافي
races - سباقات
rather - بدلا
strangest - أغرب
right - حق
wrong - خطأ
thanks - شكر
tickets - تذاكر
hills - التلال
emotion - المشاعر
voice - صوت

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