When you see a deer, you see Bambi

And I see antlers up on the wall

When you see a lake you think picnics

And I see a large mouth up under that log

You're probably thinkin' that you're gonna change me

In some ways, well, maybe you might

Scrub me down, dress me up

Oh, but no matter what, remember, I'm still a guy

When you see a priceless friend's painting

I see a drunk naked girl

When you think that riding a wild bull sounds crazy

And I'd like to give it a whirl

Well, love makes a man do some things he ain't proud of

And in a weak moment I might

Walk your sissie dog, hold your purse at the mall

But remember, I'm still a guy

And I'll pour out my heart, hold your hand in the car

write - اكتب
waxed - مشمع
under - تحت
whirl - دوامة
truck - شاحنة
think - يفكر
these - هؤلاء
thank - شكر
still - ما يزال
might - ربما
matter - شيء
dudes - الرجال
means - يعني
ground - أرض
honey - عسل
facials - الوجه
dress - فستان
botoxed - botoxed
hands - أيادي
antlers - قرون
scrub - فرك
knock - طرق
naked - عار
friends - اصحاب
creamy - دسم
gonna - سوف
neutered - kastriert
things - أشياء
spray - رذاذ
bambi - بامبي
copped - copped
highlight - تسليط الضوء
remember - تذكر
girls - الفتيات
crazy - مجنون
picnics - نزهات
knuckles - المفاصل
walked - مشى
tackle - يعالج
large - كبير
change - يتغيرون
makes - يصنع
manicured - مشذب
purse - محفظة
maybe - يمكن
heart - قلب
drunk - سكران
proud - فخور
moment - لحظة
mouth - فم
around - حول
painting - لوحة
riding - يركب
plucked - التقطه
priceless - لا يقدر بثمن
probably - المحتمل
eyebrows - الحاجبين
right - حق
sounds - اصوات

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