You were a pain girl, a thorn in my side

Drove me insane girl, a white-knuckle ride

So why do I go lookin' through old photographs

And chase you down the hallways of our checkered past

Hold on for dear life and keep the fire fed

I oughta let go but instead

It's like I'm pressing on a bruise

To see if it still hurts

Right now that's all I've got left of you

Everybody knows that just makes it worse

But still I do

I could start a new life, I could move on

I could do a drive by, and see if you're home

Now there's a fine, fine line between a memory

And something any shrink would call an injury

But it's not over long as you're still hurtin' me

And as I turn onto your street

would - سيكون
worse - أسوأ
world - العالمية
white - أبيض
those - أولئك
thorn - شوكة
thing - شيء
taste - المذاق
ground - أرض
alone - وحده
light - ضوء
something - شيئا ما
anybody - اي شخص
hallways - الممرات
ghost - شبح
photographs - الصور
checkered - ذو مربعات
could - استطاع
about - حول
between - ما بين
through - عبر
oughta - غتا
check - التحقق من
bruise - كدمة
drove - قاد
bitter - مرارة
chase - مطاردة
alike - على حد سواء
broken - مكسور
everybody - الجميع
drive - قيادة
memories - ذكريات
burns - الحروق
memory - ذاكرة
curse - لعنة
hurts - يؤلم
glory - مجد
injury - إصابه
still - ما يزال
insane - مجنون
instead - في حين أن
keeps - تحافظ
knows - يعرف
right - حق
knuckle - عقلة الاصبع
makes - يصنع
halls - القاعات
nurse - ممرضة
drunk - سكران
pressing - ملح
heart - قلب
phone - هاتف
start - بداية
shrink - وإنكمش
street - شارع

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