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كلمات اغنية Somebody Told Me - Charlie Puth

Somebody Told Me - Charlie Puth

كلمات للدراسة

I was just with you on your birthday

And I met your whole family

But on the way home

You kept looking at your phone

Couldn't help but ask, "Who is that, babe?"

And the way you said, "Nobody,"

I knew the rumors, they were more than just rumors

Maybe I should have noticed

You were just half in love

Maybe I should have noticed

That I'm not the only one

Somebody told me that you

Got another lover you've been giving it to

Can't believe I believed you

You were my girl

Somebody saw you with him

Now you're tryna tell me that he's only a friend

Can't believe I believed it

You were my girl

Oh, oh

Oh, oh

Lately you've been making excuses

And the stories ain't adding up

But I just go blind, when you look into my eyes

Every time that I try to confront you