تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.

أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.


كلمات اغنية Possession - Danzig

Possession - Danzig

كلمات للدراسة

I want to crawl inside your soul

Nestle in your brain

Stand you on your head

Crouch you on all fours

Oh I will walk among your dreams

When you think you are asleep

The invitation of your mind

Beckons me to your sin

All the things that you say and feel

For I will be inside your speech

Say the words you must not say

For I will lurk inside your heart

If you can take it and survive


As it must ever be



It's ever been

Through my oppressive black sleeping
