Cold and lonely night, you don't have to leave at all

A car rolls up outside on time, a moment from your call

And handshake seems more fitting than a kiss

Such a shame that you and I should have to end like this

Can't we just sit down and talk it over

Surely you can ask the better way

Strange that you're the one so set on leaving

And I'm the one who said last night that it was all too late

Can't we just sit down and talk it over

Who knows, maybe in a little while

We'll forget our pride, and the things we said last night

wrong - خطأ
while - في حين
tonight - هذه الليلة
things - أشياء
taste - المذاق
surely - بالتاكيد
strange - غريب
somewhere - مكان ما
should - ينبغي
silence - الصمت
shame - عار
seems - يبدو
leaving - مغادرة
leave - غادر
matter - شيء
gonna - سوف
almost - تقريبيا
lonely - وحيد
moment - لحظة
really - هل حقا
freeze - تجمد
still - ما يزال
fitting - مناسب
outside - في الخارج
better - أفضل
forget - ننسى
knows - يعرف
right - حق
little - قليل
maybe - يمكن
night - ليل
place - مكان
pride - فخر
handshake - مصافحة
rolls - لفات

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