Start stop and start

Stupid acting smart

Flirting with the flicks

You say it's just for kicks

You'll be the victim of your

Own dirty tricks

You've got yourself to tease

And displease

Doors swinging wide

You walked in to hide

Looking at your feet

Failure's complete

Saw you and me on the

Coin-op t.v.

victim - ضحية
tired - متعبه
yourself - نفسك
wrong - خطأ
walked - مشى
swinging - يتأرجح
stupid - غبي
surprised - مندهش
start - بداية
smart - ذكي
should - ينبغي
sells - تبيع
doors - الأبواب
nothing - لا شيئ
dying - وفاة
everytime - كل مرة
complete - اكتمال
totally - تماما
displease - أثار الاستياء
tease - يغيظ
really - هل حقا
disease - مرض
dirty - قذر
completely - تماما
another - آخر
frozen - مجمد
looking - يبحث
pictures - الصور
flirting - يمزح
personal - الشخصية
fucking - سخيف
these - هؤلاء
hells - الجحيم
walking - المشي
acting - التمثيل
jailer - سجان
flicks - النقر
kicks - ركلات
tricks - الخدع
knees - الركبتين

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