I got a fresh tattoo of a broken heart

You'd think I'd learn by now but I ain't that smart

Got a pocket full of nothing, a head full of lukewarm beer

I just wanted to make myself feel good

Feel like I'd been understood

I was wrong, I've been wrong three times this year

I pushed off from shore in this leaky boat

With my only friend a bottle o' whiskey and my coat

I was gonna drown my sorrows, discuss my attitude

I lay down on my back, I started to curse

Insulted every planet in the universe

Hey Jupiter if you're listening, I didn't mean to be that rude

Hey la la la, Hey la la la, Hey la la la, How hard can it be?

Hey la la la, Hey la la la, Hey la la la, How hard can it be?

Let me tell you now, I've just run out of whiskey and

I'm stranded out at sea.

Now as the light begins to fade the sun disappears

I see a siren singing in a sea of tears

I know it's you, I can tell by your hair

And my pulse starts to quicken as I row through the tide

wrong - خطأ
whiskey - ويسكي
wanted - مطلوب
together - سويا
times - مرات
while - في حين
three - ثلاثة
thought - فكر
think - يفكر
universe - كون
there - هناك
tears - دموع
stranded - تقطعت
stood - وقف
started - بدأت
standing - مكانة
sorrows - أحزان
smile - ابتسامة
skies - السماوات
singing - الغناء
shooting - اطلاق الرصاص
reflections - خواطر
realize - أدرك
discuss - مناقشة
wanna - اريد
drown - غرق
starts - يبدأ
missed - افتقد
broken - مكسور
quicken - سرع
bottle - زجاجة
pulled - سحبت
empty - فارغة
again - مرة أخرى
lukewarm - فاتر
danced - رقصت
disappears - يختفي
planet - كوكب
above - في الاعلى
through - عبر
little - قليل
pride - فخر
began - بدأت
cheered - هلل
about - حول
black - أسود
pushed - دفع
pulse - نبض
gonna - سوف
alone - وحده
understood - فهم
could - استطاع
begins - يبدأ
light - ضوء
curse - لعنة
smart - ذكي
cried - بكت
attitude - اسلوب
would - سيكون
fresh - طازج
besides - بالإضافة إلى
heart - قلب
across - عبر
nothing - لا شيئ
hiding - إخفاء
insulted - أهان
listening - استماع
jumping - القفز
siren - صفارة إنذار
leaky - راشح
jupiter - كوكب المشتري
shore - دعم
every - individle
myself - نفسي
laughed - ضحك
velvet - مخمل
learn - تعلم
though - اعتقد
liquor - الخمور
tattoo - وشم
friend - صديق
mocking - السخرية
pocket - جيب

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها