Who wakes you in the morning comes, Who calls you every late night

Who comforts you when you're in need, Who always tries to treat you right

Who gives you all he has to give, Who would dedicate his heart to you

Who fulfills all his promises and who sees the good in you

Tell me what you gonna do when I'm gone

Oh and where your gonna go when there's nobody home

And who's gonna love you when you're all alone

Tell me whatchya gonna do when I'm gone

Yeah whatchya gonna do when I'm gone

I just wanna know

Who cries knowing you don't care and Who worries what the future holds

Who fears the road ahead and Who's heart is turning into stone

would - سيكون
worries - المخاوف
where - أين
wanna - اريد
turning - دوران
tries - يحاول
tired - متعبه
stone - حجر
treat - يعالج
right - حق
return - إرجاع
promises - وعود
prays - يصلي
nobody - لا أحد
every - individle
wakes - يستيقظ
misses - يخطئ
cries - صرخات
ahead - المكانية
future - مستقبل
morning - صباح
calls - المكالمات
empty - فارغة
alone - وحده
comforts - وسائل الراحة
dedicate - كرس
fears - المخاوف
night - ليل
comes - يأتي
always - دائما
fulfills - ينجز
heart - قلب
gives - يعطي
going - ذاهب
games - ألعاب
gonna - سوف
holds - يحمل
knowing - معرفة

اضغط فوق أي كلمة لمشاهدة ترجمتها

اضغط فوق هذه الأيقونة لترجمة الجملة بأكملها