We all got our marks to what or who we belong

Apart we are weak but together we're strong

Don't knock one of us or we all take offence

For a quiff or a crew we can jump to defence

With the drum that you bring or the song that you sing

Tribal, oh oh oh oh

Tribal, oh oh oh oh

Fashion is something that comes and goes

Fickle as fables of emperors clothes

What you put on tells a lot of your mind

wizard - ساحر
together - سويا
strong - قوي
something - شيئا ما
someone - شخصا ما
rules - قواعد
different - مختلف
apart - بعيدا، بمعزل، على حد
tells - يروي
proud - فخور
queen - ملكة
comes - يأتي
wrong - خطأ
fashion - موضه
clothes - ملابس
standing - مكانة
emperors - الأباطرة
great - عظيم
crowd - يحشد
bring - احضر
defence - دفاع
belong - تنتمي
knock - طرق
fickle - متقلب
ancestry - أصل
fables - الخرافات
marks - علامات
tribal - قبلي
offence - جريمة
mirror - مرآة
right - حق
rockabilly - الغريب من نوعه

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