When the time does come near again

When the day does seem clear again

Make it in the night time

The dreams ands in the light time

All of you come away

Just a bow shot away

Let me tell you 'bout a story now

A tale of glory and power

And I don't even know your name

But I thought I'd tell you all about it just the same

We are all creatures of fame, lightness and liberty

In the times of the olden times

Of ancient ladies and maritime splendor

Priests of Karnak and Thebes

years - سنوات
would - سيكون
today - اليوم
laugh - يضحك
heart - قلب
hands - أيادي
firend - firend
story - قصة
hundred - مائة
olden - الخوالي
waters - مياه
thought - فكر
ladies - السيدات
priests - الكهنة
these - هؤلاء
creatures - كائنات
oceans - océans
light - ضوء
again - مرة أخرى
pyramid - هرم
about - حول
could - استطاع
people - اشخاص
blood - دم
billion - مليار
clear - واضح
shine - يلمع
sister - أخت
glory - مجد
silver - فضة
brightly - زاهية
brother - شقيق
maritime - بحري
liberty - حرية
power - قوة
times - مرات
lightness - خفة
water - ماء
night - ليل
ocean - محيط
before - قبل
rolled - توالت
ancient - عتيق
alexander - إسكندر
burning - احتراق
smell - رائحة
splendor - روعة
streamed - تدفق
thebes - طيبة
dreams - أحلام
through - عبر

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