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كلمات اغنية Nothin' Else - Justin Timberlake

Nothin' Else - Justin Timberlake

كلمات للدراسة

I was just walking that day


(Oh, oh no)

You picked a perfect day

To bump into me

(Perfect day, mmm)

Probably should've watched the stars in the sky

The night before

(Heey, hey)

But for some reason

We still met at your store

(You, baby)

Your eyes have a story that they wish to tell

And I have my whole life

And I listen well


Look, I'll be your confidant

Tell me anything

But please start it off with how you tuck your wings

(Ohhh ooo ohh)

There's nothing else that I have seen

There's no getting around it

Or in between

You're out of this world

Except you're not green


You don't know what you mean

To me

To me

All my friends meet you and say

You're the one

(You're the one, you're the one... hey ooo)

And all my meaningless friendships Should be done

(I should just leave them alone, baby, eh heh)

You had a friend

But he did you wrong

But I'm a God sent sign

That reads

Please move on

With me

(With me)

You taught me to use my heart